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Part I


Coming of Age


I was shut away in a small dark cell with little to no light, naked, a patch of dirty hay to sleep on and a bucket as a chamber pot. Maybe twice, three times a month someone would come and change out the pot and throw me a few scraps of stale bread and a bowl of gruel about once a week. That's if I was lucky. Every year on the anniversary of my birth an attempt on my life would be made. My food would be poisoned, or I would be starved for weeks afterward. They beat and tortured me relentlessly. I would come very close to death often, but seemed to always survive. This puzzled the High Priestesses of the clan. Speak of my being the prophesied child was whispered much more frequently by this point, but they were always scolded and told to stop talking superstition.  If it turned out to be true, and I escaped, that meant the complete end of House Tazbbár and the last remaining city of Svartálfaheimr.  Queen Mother Jeni Tazbbár could not bring herself to believe her Goddess Hel would curse her with that fate. She was convinced that I was the product of a curse put upon her by the Clan Mitzeri’s high priestesses. 

During my time trapped in my small world in that cell, I did use the time resourcefully. I learned how to speak and understand the Svartálfar language, and how to survive on the vermin and insects that found their way into my cell. I would watch the guards through the tiny window in my door, practicing their drills. I taught myself how to walk and mimicked their movements, as they spared. I yearned for the day I could escape from Svartálfaheimr. To take down those who kept me locked away. I wondered who I was, what I was, and what did I do to deserve to live like this?

In the Winter of 1711, I was coming of age. A young teen by human standards. Those who had knowledge of my presence knew they couldn't keep me a secret forever. On the morning of the first day of winter, I awoke to the door to my tiny prison wide open. There was no plate of food, nor the chamber pot emptied. I was confused as to why it was left open for all about a minute.  I scurried over and poked my head out slightly. No one was around.

“What to do?” I thought to myself in a panic. 

I knew at that moment it was my one chance for escape. Taking a deep breath I hugged the wall as I moved down the large open corridor. The vast space terrified me. My eyes had trouble adjusting to the light as it was almost blinding. I slowly climbed a flight of marble stairs. At the top I could hear voices coming from behind a door. I slowly and cautiously drew closer to the voices. Placing my ear to the door I could overhear the conversation. 

 " Queen Mother Jeni Tazbbár, you need to make a decision on what is to be done with the male child. His time has come. He is maturing into a young man and will become impossible to keep hidden. Nienar can no longer be kept down in the recesses of the castle. Our High Priestess of Hel is displeased that he has survived this long. I believe she is listening to the whispering.”

As I stood by listening, two sets of heavy hands came down upon my shoulders and spun me around to face them. 

"Well, well, little vermin, hear anything interesting? What shall we do with this noisy dog?" Standing before me with two well built women, but they did not look like other Svartálfars. They had long teeth that looked like tusks and skin of a grayish green. With them stood a tall, beautiful, female Svartálfar staring at me with cruel, light gray, smoldering eyes. As she looked me over it dawned on her I was just not any escaped prisoner eavesdropping. 

She knocked on the chamber door, “Mother, I have something out here which I think will interest you." She smiled wickedly at me.

“Enter my dearest, eldest daughter Princess Finnandra.

I struggled with the guards as they dragged me into the room. It was the first time she had laid eyes on me since I was born. One could see she recognized the resemblance was undeniable. 

“My, he looks just like you Mother.” she whispered.

“Hush!” The Queen answered angrily.

“Kneel before your Queen." Finnandra ordered, pointing to the floor.

“No!" I snapped at her. Jumping slightly at the sound of my own voice. My eyes turned a dark stormy gray, smoldering with anger. A feeling of finally knowing somewhat as to why I was kept away began to dawn on me.

“You speak!" She growled at me and slapped me across the face.

"Now kneel!" She pointed to the floor.

"No!" I growled as I positioned myself like I had seen the guards do a thousand times during drills. The Queen was mildly amused that I had learned so much without being taught a single thing. She spoke loudly and waved her hands. Suddenly I felt a burning surge course through my body. I collapsed to the floor writhing in pain. Finnandra walked over to me, grabbing me by the hair and pulled me up to my knees.

"Now was all of that called for?" The Queen smiled at me cruelly. 

Coming down from her throne, she bent down and looked straight into my eyes and said, "You pathetic little vermin, barking defiantly like an animal. You are nothing more than spider dung. I can see you wondering why you have been locked away from all eyes. I am more than glad to tell you. You, you evil little imp are a curse put upon me by the Clan Mitzeri. One I can not seem to rid my home of.  I will not accept any males into this bloodline. You are the first and will be the last. Males are dirty, filthy creatures, whose only use is for war , procreation, and slave labor. Which I find you worthy of none.”

I looked down at my arms and for the first time in my life saw I was pale skinned like the rest of them under the thick dirt that covered me.  

She continued, “I can’t believe I actually gave birth to an abomination like you. For many years we have tried to rid this realm of you. But yet you survive, well not this time. A decision has been made of what shall be done with you, cursed Svartálfar, a sacrifice to Hel and Loki! And I promise you will not survive that death."

I broke loose from the guards grasp and tried to run for the door, but before I could escape, everything went dark.

"Take him to the dungeon and let my daughter Finnandra do what she will with him. Tomorrow we will discuss the ceremony. Take it from my sight!" 

My dear sister was put in charge of me until the sacrifice was to take place. Down in the dungeon I awoke chained to a wall. I tried to get loose, but it was no use.

"I am glad to see you've finally decided to wake up little Nienar. Now we can get on with the fun".  Finnandra said taking her snake whip and connecting it against my flesh. 

I fought back the pain. I wasn't going to dare give her that satisfaction. This in turn only angered her. She continued to whip me to a bloody pulp. I still would not give into her.

"This isn't fun anymore!” Finnandra pouted. Throwing the whip at me.

"Take him back to his tiny dark cell. I doubt he'll be going anywhere.”

A shot of panic ran through my heart when I heard her words. I had tasted slight freedom and wanted more. I fought violently as they dragged me back to the cell and left me on the floor. I pounded and screamed at the door for hours until I collapsed from exhaustion. 

I awoke to a hand softly caressing my face. "Is this the boy, Rhavan? What do you want with one of these creatures?"  The seductive female figure whispered in the darkness.

I was weak and confused as to who these beings were in the cell. They spoke in a strange language I had never heard. I was terrified but had never in my life felt anything like her touch. She kissed me softly on the cheek. I tried to reach for her but was too weak. It felt like all my energy had been drained from me. Was this all a dream? Was I hallucinating? Everything was swirling around in my head. A tall man pulled me away from the woman, grabbing me up with one arm. She cowered at his feet.

"This is him! This is the boy we were sent to retrieve. What to do my lovely Fenya? What to do? His blood tastes even sweeter than I ever imagined. Look at us, look how young we look now!  I have researched and studied the myths and have searched many years to find them. I know we made a deal, but I am finding it hard to follow through." the man sighed. 

Long bony fingers with claw like nails, wrapped around my throat, slowly squeezing the air from my lungs. He came in close. Starring me in the eyes. A sudden feeling of calm came over me. Something sharp sunk into my neck. I gasped in shock, grabbing on tight to the vampire's cloak. It felt as if my life was slipping away. Tears streamed down my young face as I drifted into a dream like state. After a few moments of them feeding from me the Priestess, along with the executioner walked in as the room filled with a misty fog.

"Guards, Get down here right now!" She yelled to them.

She knelt down next to me. My pulse was weak and my eyes were fading in color.

"How could this happen? Where was the guard that was supposed to be here? The vampires have bled him. The Queen will have your heads for this!” She yelled at them.

"What's going on here? Why are you shouting?" Finnandra asked worriedly, storming into the cell. 

There, lying on the floor she saw my life slowly seeping out of the wounds left on my neck. She let out a scream of anger and grabbed my hair. Beating on me she hissed, "How dare you, you ungrateful fool! Letting them take your life when it is not yours to give! Go get the Queen at once!"

I just laid there staring at her blankly. She was wrong, it was my life and I would decide when I would go. The more she beat and screamed at me, the more the anger swelled inside me. With the reflexes of a snake, I grabbed Finnandra tightly by the arms. She was taken off guard. My adrenaline took control. The more she struggled the tighter my grip became. Something deep inside me other than my own will had taken over.

"Let go of me beast!"

I looked her straight in the eyes and began to speak. "You going to pay. I swear, I kill you all". Then passed out.

The Priestess checked me for any signs of life. "He's dead my dear. I will go notify the Queen there will be no execution".

She was hardly down the corridor when she heard Finnandra let out a horrifying cry. She ran back to the cell to find her lying across me with her throat torn out. I was still unconscious, but was now covered in her blood.

"In the name of  Hel what happened here! My daughter, my beloved eldest daughter!  The Queen cried out as she walked through the door. 

“What monster did this? How could you let this happen? I should kill you all!" She screamed at them all as she cradled her dead daughter in her arms.

"It was the boy, Queen Tazbbár. He was the one who killed her." The Priestess said in a panic.

The Queen walked over to me, "How dare you! How dare you take her from me.” shaking me awake.

“I…I.…”  I answered her weakly. The room spun wildly as I saw the carnage covering me. Horror filled my heart as I looked back at The Queen. 

“No! No, no, no! It not me!”  I pleaded.

“You should have perished at birth! Why you still live is beyond me. I promise you it will not be for much longer!!!” She grabbed me and threw every painful spell she could conjure into me. I let out a howl that echoed through the dungeon halls.

I was  jolted awake by what felt like a kick to the ribs and felt violently ill as the room spun around me. A voice was speaking to me which sounded like it was down in a tunnel. Why I was still alive I had no clue. By all rhyme and reason I should have been dead. I tried to move but found I was shackled to the wall. I tried to clear my head as I heard the Priestess reading aloud the crime I had committed, “Nienar, you are hear by sentenced to a slow excruciating death for the murder of the Queen's eldest daughter,  Princess Finnandra Jeni Tazbbár of the House Tazbbár. This will take place in one hour.”

Everything felt so surreal. What more could they possibly do? I really had no clue whether I killed her or not. I honestly had no memory of it at the time. The hour passed quickly. I was ready to meet my fate. The large green female guards brought me before the entire city. They were all there to see my demise. I was amazed at how many there were. The Queen, my Mother, sat in her throne above them all.  As I was led up the scaffold my hands were tied behind my back. I didn't struggle with them. For the first time in my life I prayed. I wasn't sure who I was praying to, but I asked that the powers that be to watch over me, and may my death be swift.  Ahead of me was another prisoner. He was a patron of one of the Queen's daughters for a short while. The guards dragged him over to a pole erected in the middle of the platform. He was stripped and tied to the pole with his hands above his head. They announced the charges; he was unable to impregnate her. The executioner waited for the Priestesses to go ahead and begin the last prayers to Hel. When they finished the Queen dropped her hand and smiled. The executioner walked over and with a swift cut, the patron was castrated. I will never forget the look of horror and shock.  The next cut came from gut to throat, spilling his intestines to the platform floor. The patron watched as they draped his intestines around his neck. He was left to die on the pole. Now I began to fight the guard holding me as the patron screamed in agony. The executioner turned and walked slowly towards me, waving the guard to come forward. I fought violently to get free of her hold.  A sharp pain jab into my side as I was dragged to an empty pole. Warm liquid began to flow from the wound in my side. The guard had stabbed me to take the fight out of me. I still fought, but with very little strength left behind the effort. I watched helplessly as they cut off my clothes still soaked in my sister's blood, and tied me naked to the pole next to the one the dead patron hung on. I fought back the panic ferociously as I felt the cold dead skin of the Svartálfar touch me. To think that was going to be me next made me almost paralyzed by fear. As the executioner began to read out the following charges:

“This slave of an unknown clan is charged with the unthinkable crime of  the murder of the Princess Finnandra Jeni Tazbbár, daughter of the Queen Jeni Tazbbár. His sentence is a slow torturous death.” 

“I did not!” I not kill!!!”  I screamed at the top of my lungs.

The guard approached with the blade she had used to stab me. “Best keep your mouth shut or I will cut out your tongue first! You will be dead soon enough!”

Looking down at the blood dripping from my side, then at the executioner, I took in a deep breath, and accepted what was about to happen. I closed my eyes tight, as I saw the executioner approach to make the first cut. Grabbing my hair, the cold sharp steel touched my throat.  I held my breath, believing it would be my last. But it never came.  Just the sound of something glinting off the ground with a loud clatter. I opened my eyes to see what happened. There lying on the floor dead was the executioner holding her guts in her hands. Standing above her was the tall pale human man and a young human woman.

"Who dares interrupt this Svartálfars' execution!” Guards! Get them!!!  The Queen yelled.

The vampire fought them off with ease. The Queen stood angered, screaming and threatening him. He only laughed at her. "I have come for the one which you try to destroy. A child granted to you from the Great Creator and this is what you do to that gift? Your ONLY SON, Queen Tazbbár.” A gasp could be heard throughout the crowd.

“The dirty secret you kept hidden away and tried to destroy is now mine. Since you do not want the gift granted you, I will gladly take him off your hands.” And with that said, he cut my binds, wrapped me in his cloak and we disappeared into a dark cloudy mist.


I was kept bound, gagged and blindfolded during the entire trip out of the Svartálfaheimr. We left the mountains via Kirunavaara Sweden. We traveled by carriage and ferry for what felt like forever. The vampire fed from me continuously which made it hard to tell time and distances. I would come to wish later that I had died at the hands of the Svartálfar executioner.  My time with this human was in no way pleasant. The horrors started as soon as I was brought to Germany, this creature’s homeland. I would do anything to erase the memory of him from my mind. He was a German nobleman who owned large amounts of land in the area of  Wagenbach, Germany and lived in a huge castle overlooking a beautiful lake.  It is very difficult for me to speak of what I was put through at the hands of this vile creature. He was a very sick twisted individual who took great pleasure in watching those he called his children suffer. They say talking about your horrors and trauma helps one heal, so, here we go.




A New Hell


Early February we arrived at his castle where I was brought straight to his bed chambers. The room was lit by large candelabras and a huge fireplace kept the room warm from the German winter cold. I was extremely weak from continual loss of blood. The stab wound in my side still ached.  The man gingerly placed me in a large vat filled with warm water. I startled a bit as he lowered me in as I had never felt warm water before. Much less given a bath. He nodded to Fenya to bathe me. With a soft cloth she took each of my limbs and gently scrubbed the many, many years of dirt and grime from my skin. She then washed my hair working all of the dreads and lice out. I smiled as I enjoyed the new sensations of the water and the physical contact of another being. The process of cleaning me up took almost an hour and by the time Fenya was done the water had turned cold. All the while Rhavan sat watching my reactions with earnest. She motioned for me to stand up and step out of the vat so she could dry me off. It was a very strange feeling, almost like a tickle, which caused me to giggle out loud. My reaction and the sound of my own voice startled me again. I stopped suddenly, feeling awkward. Rhavan handed bandages to the girl and instructed her to dress my wounds. She did as she was told as her Master watched intently. Telling I was not all together feeling well, she wrapped me in a fir and sat down on the floor next to me, letting me rest in her arms. Part of me wanted to pull away but the other part enjoyed the comfort I was given. The warmth of the fire and the soft fir on my skin was heavenly. A far cry from the “box” I had been in for over forty years. She was the most gorgeous creature I had ever seen. Her skin felt smooth and silky like porcelain. Eyes the color of green  moss, and hair black as coal. The way I looked at her seemed to bother Rhavan a bit. I noticed the frustration on his face and spoke to him in Svartálfar.

“Why I here?"  I asked the best I could, looking confused up at the man. My Svartálfar language skills weren't the best. 

He was a tall human whose long black hair cascaded over his pale thin face , perhaps in his mid to late fifties. His eyes were cold and pale blue, almost piercing. His lips were thin with long fangs with no color. There was nothing handsome or attractive about this being. It actually disgusted me to look at him.

"First, let me introduce ourselves to you, my new son. I am your Master and Father, Rhavan Albrecht. She is Fenya Meier, she is also my child.  I am a Vampire. Secondly, you do not ask the questions here." Rhavan answered back in Svartálfar with a weird accent.

  "You are something very valuable to him and to all vampires". Fenya said.

I mimicked the words 'Vampire' and ‘valuable’ shaking my head in confusion as to what they meant. I didn’t understand the language she spoke.

“Yes, my son, Vampires. We are creatures created by the union between Lilith and Cain. They are the All Father and All Mother of us all. We sustain our long life by drinking blood. 'Valuable,' is something of great worth. And that makes you valuable to me. Your blood is a prize to have. Oh you are the most valuable possession a vampire could possess.”  Rhavan said, caressing my face. He licked his fangs and looked at me hungrily.

I shied away from his cold touch. Looking away in fear of my new keeper's intentions.  He did not like my response so Rhavan, realizing his new child would have to learn by example, snatched Fenya by the hair and dragged her away from me. He said nothing,  just kicked her across the room. She looked up at the man in confusion and terror as tears flooded from her eyes. Her reaction seemed to anger him and he began to slap her hard across the face. Blood dripped from her lip. He came in close to her and kissed her, licking the blood from her mouth. Pushing her to the floor he climbed on top of her, pinning her arms above her head. She screamed as he bit down hard into her flesh, feeding, to weaken her. Her screams frightened me enough to try find enough strength to stagger across the room and help her. I pulled Rhavan off Fenya with all my might, then shielded her with my body the best I could. Rhavan glared in rage at me. In a flash he pounced on me knocking me off the girl and held me down by the shoulders.  

“ I will beat that animal right out of you.” Rhavan landed blow after blow to my face and body with his fists.

I tried to fight back and protect myself the best I could. He looked down at me and smiled sickly as he sunk his teeth deep into my throat, draining me into a daze. I laid there struggling to keep conscious. Rhavan could feel the fight leave me. I learned very quickly at that moment the powers a Vampire possessed. You can be the greatest finger wiggler or warrior in all the lands but if a Vampire latches his fangs into you, you’re fucked. It is the most frightening thing to hear your own heart beat slow down to almost a complete stop and be totally aware of all that is happening around you and having no will of your own, no way to stop it. 

“How dare you attack me? She is my child. I made her and will do to her whatever I like. You are never to protect her from me, EVER! You will learn.”  Rhavan walked back over to Fenya and spoke to her again.

“Time to remind you of your place, girl and to whom you belong.” He growled as he ripped the clothing from her body.  

She screamed out to me in terror. I watched paralyzed as Rhavan dug his sharp fingernails into her soft flesh, drawing blood with every swipe. I struggled to reach for her but could barely raise my arms. Rhavan laughed at my feeble attempt and forced her legs apart. Her screams became more frantic as he forced his manhood into her. He licked her face and groped her breasts hard. The more she cried out and struggled the more Rhavan punished her body. She struggled feverishly to reach for me, as I reached for her, but the man would just pull her back. I had no choice but to watch her be brutally raped and beaten by this creature. I had never witnessed anything so violent or humiliating before. The helplessness I felt tore me apart. I tried with all the strength I had left to help her but just continued to collapse back onto the floor. Her screams and cries echoed through my head, bringing me to tears. I wanted to help her but couldn’t. I tried to yell out to Rhavan to draw his attention away from him attacking her, but nothing came out. I curled up into a ball trying my best to cover my ears, but her screams of terror still tortured me. Soon her cries turn to a quiet whimper as Rhavan finished with her. He pulled out of her and kissed her hard on the lips. He slowly dressed himself watching me out of the corner of his eye. I was finally able to gather a bit of strength and crawled over to her. I grabbed her up in my arms and held her tightly, gently rocking her. I wanted to take her pain away but didn’t know what to do. The only thing I could think of was to softly sing her a song sung to Svartálfar children to quiet us, while wiping away her tears.

Another wave of sexual need overcame Rhavan as he approached, stalking me across the floor with his eyes. I noticed his glare and terror struck my heart. Fenya desperately held onto me as he slowly approached towards us. Rhavan pounced on top of me, pushing Fenya away.  Pointing at her to not interfere. He pinned me down as he sunk his teeth deep into my flesh once again. I was so weak I was surprised I was able to get free of the Vampires grasp for a brief second. He grabbed me tightly by the back of the hair and pulled me back close. 

“While watching you coddle Fenya I couldn’t help but notice how beautifully handsome you are. It was the first time I was able to see you the light. Your face, young and soft looking, your light blue eyes blazing at me with fear, anger, and contempt. The tips of your white hair drenched red with blood. Nice fit strong body. Skin, pale and flawless. Even under all the years of dirt that covered your skin. I saw your beauty, But now, you are even more appetizing. Not even marked with Svartálfar tattoos. And, oh, the sweetest blood I have ever tasted. It is almost addictive. It is so sweet. Look how it has restored me.” He purred into my ear as he caressed my face softly.

His skin was no longer wrinkled with age. He now appeared to be much younger, about thirty. I noticed the panic in Fenya’s eyes as I struggled to pull myself away from Rhavan. 

“My, my, my, you shouldn’t be so quick to push me away child. A horrible life it has been for you, living in that little dank, dark hole in the wall. It truly saddens me that you do not appreciate the freedom I have given you. I spared your life. Now it belongs to me. Like the rest of you.”

Sickened at this point by Rhavan's advances and talking, I looked at him with utter disgust. In turn this only enraged him. more How dare I refuse his offer and advances. I belonged to him now. He was going to make me submit. He latched onto my throat again draining me into unconsciousness. 

“Rhavan, what are you doing with the boy?” Fenya gasped in fear.

“Leave us at once girl. I think I have to teach my new pet the lesson of who his Master is.” He laughed. 

“ Rhavan do not do this to him, I beg you.” She said pleadingly. “Please, he doesn’t understand us or anything that’s going on. Look at him, he's only a boy. He's too young!”

“He may look young but this “boy” is over forty years old. Older than you my dear girl,  and he is about to become a man by my hands.”  He hissed with a wicked smile at her as she ran out the door. Rhavan got up and locked the door behind her. 

The lesson I learned that night will haunt me until the day the Universe no longer has any use for me. It was the night my life changed forever. I awoke to find my arms and ankles bound tightly to the legs of a table as my chest lay across the top. My eyes covered and mouth gagged. I shook violently as I felt his cold hands touching my exposed flesh. I struggled against the binds but they were too tight. I tried to scream out but the gag in my mouth muffled any attempts to be heard. The following words, in which my new Master whispered in my ear, will stick with me for life.

“Nienar, you shouldn’t have waved off  my affection so easily. But then again you are a very arrogant creature. Just because you possess such beauty and power doesn’t make your race better than Humans. I will teach you humility Svartálfar. A humiliation you never could have imagined. If you thought your life in the dark room was terrifying, wait till I get done with you. You will learn your place my son, even if I have to fuck it into you. You will become an obedient child.”  He growled in my ear as he grabbed a handful of my hair.

Rhavan slowly pushed himself into me using my hair as leverage. A strangled cry escaped from me into the gag as the sharp pain seared into me. I clawed at the table legs trying to bury the pain. This was humiliation beyond my comprehension. I desperately tried to clear my mind to escape the pain. Sharp nails dragged down my back drawing blood. It trickled down my sides, pooling under my stomach. The sound of the sticky wetness echoed off the stone walls. Hours passed before he finished his punishment on my body. He removed my blindfold and licked the tears from my face and kissed my forehead.

After he was through with me, he said, as he untied me from the table,“Now, allow me to reintroduce myself. I am Rhavan Albrecht and this is my home. I own all the surrounding land and all that dwell within it. You have been out of the Svartálfaheimr for about eighteen days. You are in the land of  Wagenbach, Germany. Here, only humans live. You will get used to living here and doing your part along with the rest of my children. You will meet them soon enough. You are now a member of my family and you will always refer to me as Father. We follow a different God here and you will learn about him and follow the teachings of our religion. I will make you civilized my little beast. You will learn to read many languages. To write. To care for yourself in a hygienic way. I will not put up with untidiness or filth in my home. You will become cultured under my care. The ultimate subordinate fledgling.”

I couldn't look at him. I just couldn't. He had just taken all that I thought was mine. I didn't have any worldly possessions, or even worldly knowledge, but I knew that my body, and my life belonged to me. And with one brutal act I now no longer possessed it. I have never felt physical pain or emotional humiliation to that level up until then.  My entire body raged with anger. My mind felt as though it would snap any minute. It was just more than I thought I could ever bear.  Tears escaped my eyes as I felt my mind begin to slip from the unbelievable terror. My mind, body and soul now belonged to this creature and there was no escape from him. 

Hearing the door close and lock behind me, I pulled myself up off the table and collapsed onto the cold hard floor. I tore off the gag, coughing slightly. My mouth was dry and my throat felt like it was on fire from screaming.  I could still hear Fenya screams echoing in my head. I staggered across the room to the door. I tried to open it but it was locked.  

I screamed out,“Let out!” as I pounded the door. 

My cries echoed through the halls of the castle. Tears streamed from my eyes as I felt my mind begin to snap from it all. I had heard about the horrors that humans put upon their own kind from the guards during their drills. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think it could happen to me. The violation to my being was tearing me apart.  A heartbreaking screeched cry escaped me as I finally became so overwhelmed I broke down. I collapsed to the floor sobbing until I faded into a deep sleep.


Fenya sat in her chambers crying to herself as she heard my screams echo through the castle. She wanted to come to me, save me, but was too afraid of Rhavan. She knew of the terror I experienced for he had done it to her as well. Rhavan had taken her brutally when he Sired her. She would never forgive him for it either. She closed her eyes and leaned back. The screams sent her reeling into a trance. She desperately thought of the time when she was the most happy. Fenya was the youngest daughter of a farmer who rented land for generations from the Albrecht family. It was a crisp spring day, and she had been wandering in the woods collecting her thoughts. She had just found out that the love of her life was to propose to her. She knew very well that she was going to say yes. The birds were being unusually quiet but that didn’t seem to bother Fenya. She was focused on how happy she was going to be in a matter of days. She walked playfully down the path she had always taken. She was in such a good mood that she did not notice how many turns she had taken and before she knew it, she was lost. Fenya had been lost in these woods before and had always come out fine. This time was a little different though, for she felt that she was being watched, from all angles. She hurriedly walked back towards the places that seemed the most familiar. Her hair blowing slightly in a very eerie breeze. The feeling of her being spied upon kept her very nervous. She could now hear breathing but when she turned she did not see anyone. It was as though she was being stalked. As she continued to hurry across the woods, she had found herself backed into a corner of brush. When she went to walk forward, she saw she was face to face with a massive timber wolf. She could smell the dog’s breath and it snarled, bearing all of its teeth. She didn’t dare make a move for she knew it would strike. In a flash, the dog was bum rushed by a cloaked figure. The wolf had no chance to retaliate. It lay limp in the dirt as the figure rose with its back to Fenya. Although she was a little shaken after what she just witnessed she managed to rise to her feet. The man turned to face her and all that Fenya saw were ice blue eyes staring back at her. She almost felt as if she should run, but the properness inside of her forced her to thank her savior. She had walked up to him and gracefully thanked him. She tried to see more of his face but the cloak would not allow that. After her bow she began to walk away. He grabbed a hold of her arm and briskly threw her back against a tree. She was now very scared and just looked up with tears in her eyes. 

“What an act of ungratefulness, Here I risk bodily harm to save you and you don’t have the decency to even give me your name or repay my kindness.”

“My apologies kind sir. I didn't mean to offend. My name is Fenya Meier. I must be going. My folks must be worried for I am late arriving home. Thank you so much.” She replied. As she tried to walk away he once again tossed her back against the tree and spoke. 

“Once again, I regret to say that you have not repaid my kindness. Now, I expect you to be respectful and give me what I deserve.”  He said

She could only look at him confused. His smile showed his fangs and she backed up quickly. She bowed gracefully and kissed his cheek quickly. As she tried to run, he grabbed her arm a third time, and spoke words that she has never forgotten. 

“I think that kiss is a rather small payment. I think you owe me more.”  With that he threw her to the ground and sunk his fangs into her neck. 

She screamed so loud that the nearby town thought that banshees were coming. She could feel his teeth tear through her skin. She couldn’t stop the rush of hot liquid onto his lips. She quivered as she felt his hand travel up her thigh as he continued to feed. Fenya was in shock, she was wondering where she went wrong, or what she had done to make him angry.

“Why is he doing this to me?” She thought. 

The next pain she felt was one that took her innocence. It felt as though her lower half tore open. The man continued to have his way with the small girl as her screams and tears filled the air.

“Help me, oh God, someone help me.”  Was all she could say. 

All of a sudden, she saw him. It was her love, charging forward with his sword drawn. He happened to be hunting and heard her cries. She looked at him as if he was the white knight about to slay the fierce dragon. As her love ran towards them, The man dropped Fenya and charged after her love. In a battle that lasted two seconds, Fenya watched her love lose his throat, then run through by his own sword. Fenya cried out in horror as she watched her love fall face down in the dirt. The man walked back over to her and dragged her over to the now lifeless body. 

“ I have taken your body, your blood and now your lover. You are mine now and for all eternity.”  

She could feel that the man had finished with her, and she was waiting for that final blow to end this misery. Yet none came and none ever will. He had watched her, he had saved her, and he had claimed her. And she is now damned for all eternity for it. Her heart broke for her Sires' newest fledgling.


Several hours later Rhavan returned to check on me. He found me out cold on the floor just inside the door. A nasty thought entered his deviant mind. He took me up in his arms and brought me back to his chambers. In the corner of the room was a pine box which was to become my coffin. He kicked open the lid and placed me inside. Locking the lid shut.

“Oh what a surprise you’re going to wake to my little one.”

He wasn't kidding. When I came to and opened my eyes it was pitch black. I felt the pine wood underneath me.  Thinking I was back on top of the table I went to sit up, slamming my forehead against something hard. Falling back, I instinctively reached out above me and my hand hit the lid. I was in a box! I could hear Rhavan laughing loudly as he heard my head smacked the lid. I kicked and screamed, clawing at the top and along the seams to try and get out. I began to panic in a way I had never done before. I was hyperventilating and eventually passed out.

The next day Rhavan summoned Fenya to his chambers. When she walked in she saw him sitting on his throne. A new coffin caught her eye. He just smiled cruelly at her. 

“Go let your new brother out.” He said to her pointing at the coffin.

She looked at him worriedly, and quickly walked over to it and removed the locked lid. There I lay still naked, covered in my own blood, shaking, with wide vacant pale eyes. She looked down and saw my hands were the source of the blood. I had torn up my fingernails and knuckles from trying to get the lid off. My breathing was very slow and shallow. She reached down and caressed my face gently and kissed me softly on the lips. I took in a deep breath and blinked my eyes a bit. Slowly my senses began to come back. Rhavan walked over to see how his new family member was doing. My response to him was not what he ever expected. As soon as I caught sight of my captor, I flew out of the coffin and rapped my hands around his throat. I fought wildly, but it didn’t last long. Soon Rhavan tired of my unruly display and sunk his teeth deep into my throat.

“You ungrateful little animal, how dare you attack me, again!”  he grabbed me up by the arm and dragged me over, facing me to the wall, shackling me there. 

He pulled my head back by the hair and whispered angrily. “You will learn to obey me and behave! Fenya get out!”

She looked at me with sorrowful eyes and walked out of the room. Rhavan came in close once again. Pressing himself against me, he said, “You truly disappoint me son. It hurts me more than it hurts you to have to do this to your perfect beautiful skin.” 

I closed my eyes as Rhavan kissed me hard on the lips. I felt extremely ill, and weak. A sickening crack filled the air as an incredible burning sensation hit my back. I tried to scream, but only a gasp of pain escaped. The warm trickle of blood running down my back began to throw me back into a panic. The more I struggled, the harder and faster Rhavan’s whips bit into my flesh.  Within a short matter of time, a foggy stupor started to overcome my senses as my legs began to give out. 

“Oh, no, my little one, you can’t go out on me so soon.”

He unshackled me and turned me to face him. He pushed me back against the wall and shackled me back to it. I could feel the wet stickiness from blood on my back against the wall. It sent a shiver down my spine. Rhavan walked over to a table with a small glowing caldron on it. He picked up a small blade with a red hot tip. I wanted to struggle but just did not possess the strength. 

“Now to mark you as mine.” He said and began to burn his signet into my skin by scarification. 

When the extremely hot blade touched my skin I wanted to yell out but couldn’t. Nothing would come out. Rhavan grabbed me by the hair and slammed my head hard against the wall, knocking me out. He didn't want my attempt to wiggle away from the knife to ruin his artwork. He wanted to carve in peace and quiet.

A shooting pain ran through my body jolting me awake. Rhavan stood in front with a whip in hand. A small trickle of blood escaped the new lash cut on my chest. The left side of my chest was searing with pain. I pulled hard on the chains as he approached, smiling. Shaking my head violently 'no', I kicked out at him.

“Keep away !” I growled.

The vampire just laughed at me and whipped me again. I flinched and hissed at him, fighting wildly to get free. Rhavan continued to flick the whip at me drawing new blood. The more I bled the hungrier he became. Not being able to control his lust for my elven blood, he attacked me before I could get another kick in. All struggle left me as Rhavan drained me both of blood and energy. After he had his fill, he unlatched me from the wall. I slumped to the floor. He propped me up against the wall and spoke to me softly.

“You will learn your place my child. The choice is yours as to how quickly you learn those lessons. It is all up to you on whether you wish to continue to fight me at every turn or be a good boy and comply. I will not allow an unruly animal to dwell in my home. You will be educated and groomed and taught to act like a perfect gentleman.” 

With that said, Rhavan wiped the blood from my chest and back with a cold damp cloth. Afterward, he dressed me in a pair of trousers and boots as I sat in a drained daze. He walked over to his dresser and brought back a collar. Placing it around my neck, I now fully belonged to him.

The following afternoon, Fenya was sent for and told to meet Rhavan in his chamber. Upon entering she saw me sitting at his side, with a blank vacant look on my face. The chainmail collar around my neck was connected to a leash attached to the arm of the throne he sat in.  The wounds of the punishment from earlier had clotted and my entire back and chest were covered with lashes from Rhavan’s arsenal of whips. Fenya looked a bit closer at the wounds on my chest and it horrified her when she realized what he had done to me. She lifted my face to her to meet her gaze. I had such a look of defeat, it broke her heart. She thought of me as an innocent. I knew nothing of the world I came from or about the one I was being forced to enter by Rhavan. She desperately wanted to help me, but she was too afraid of her Sire to act on her feelings. 

“Please, Father, you can not leave him like this.” She continued as she curled up onto his lap. 

“You have shown him your power over him.”  Purring as she kissed him passionately on the lips. 

He looked into her eyes and then down at me. Rhavan had never taken a fae before. He decided then and there he would take me as his. He would not be delivering me to those who hired him to find me. He also would not teach me how to survive as a Vampire. He would make me believe I had to depend on him for survival. I was naive of the world and Rhavan planned on exploiting that to his full advantage. The only way to make me submit was to keep me weak. He knew I would be too hard to control if I was ever allowed to be at full strength.

“His life force is very weak.”

“I must confess his blood is sweet. I think I’ll keep him.” He cackled.

“Please help him”. She begged, looking at me with sorrowful eyes.

“I am your Sire! You will look at no other that way again! You belong to me!” He roared at her as he slapped her.

“Now get on your feet!” 

He pulled hard on the chain attached to the collar around my neck. I rose slowly, eyes to the floor. Lifting my face in his hand, Rhavan continued, “Cut off his hair, clean him up, and dress him in fine clothing and the leather armor. Make him look handsome for Queen Mitzeri. There has been a change of plans.”

She did as she was told. Fenya washed and cut my long hair, making it short and spiky. She cleaned and stitched my wounds the best she could all the while speaking to me softly but I did not answer her. I just continued to stare blankly at the floor.

“Nienar, don’t let him win.” She whispered in my ear.

I slowly lifted my head and looked into the mirror in front of me. My mind was in a fog. I was dressed in fine white linens and armor. Staring at myself in the mirror I saw what I looked like for the very first time. I was not very tall, maybe about five-four. My hair was an odd color of white, purples and blues naturally. Eyes a stormy light bluish gray. My skin was as pale as Fenya's. My ears were pointy and I appeared to be in my early teens. I tried to see why Rhavan kept saying I was beautiful. I truly believed I was an ugly creature. My own kind locked me away because I brought shame to my clan. If he really saw me as this “precious” prize, a thing of beauty, then why would he do the things he was doing to me? Even without any true knowledge of anything outside of my small existence inside that cell my entire life, I knew enough to know in my being that one did not treat something beautiful with such cruelty. I looked back at Fenya and hung my head. She lifted my chin with her hand and looked me in the eyes.

“You are not alone. I will help you. I promise.” 

Before we reached the door, she grabbed me and kissed me. A warmth embraced us from head to toe. Fenya pulled away just as Rhavan opened the door.

“Is he ready yet?” He asked, looking at me.

“Yes, Father, he is ready to go meet the Queen.”  

Rhavan put his hand on my shoulder and walked me towards the door.  I jumped at his touch. The horrors of the previous day were still fresh in my mind. We walked down a dark tunnel. A thick foggy mist filled the corridor. Seconds later it led into a huge chamber. The walls were covered with elaborate tapestries depicting different battles. As I looked more closely at them it hit me, we were in a Svartálfar castle. I hesitated for a moment as Fenya took my hand gently and walked me to the front of the throne. A female Svartálfar came out from behind a curtain, and sat before me.

"Queen Mizeri Mitzeri, we bring you the boy". Fenya said to her bowing. 

The woman looked at me coldly. Pointing to the floor she ordered, “Kneel before me infidel".

 I just stood there. I couldn’t move. 

"I said kneel"!

Rhavan walked over to me, putting his hand on my shoulder and whispered in my ear, “Kneel before her or I’ll put you back in the box.”

 Terrified by the thought of the coffin, I obeyed and went down to one knee.

"Now bow your head in shame Svartálfar". Rhavan instructed me. 

"He is a very stubborn one. The rumors about him must be true. You do look just like your Mother.”  She said, taking my face in her hand.

“I have waited patiently for centuries for this day. The rule of the Tazbbár will end!  It is no secret Queen Tazbbár will pay any price to have you back, so she can exact revenge upon you for her daughter's death. For the shame she is receiving for the very public reveal of your birth to all of the Svartálfaheimr. By the way, very nice touch Rhavan. I knew it was your handy work as soon as I heard that her daughter's throat was torn out.” 

I was in shock. Hot tears of rage filled my eyes. Rhavan murdered Finnandra, not me. I was sentenced to death for her murder. I shot a look of death at Rhavan. I removed the Queen's hands gently from my face as I stood to my feet. She glared at me. 

"What do you think you're doing"! 

I looked her straight in the eyes and yelled as loud as I could, unleashing all my anger at her. Unaware of my hidden magickal abilities, glass shattered all around us as she fell back into her throne. I collapsed to my knees, shaking. My head felt like someone was stabbing me in the skull. It was the first time I had used any type of magic and I wasn't even trying. Perhaps the Vampire had something to do with it? I was shocked at what I had just done. Queen Mitzeri gathered herself and approached, slapping me hard across the face. I did not react.

"What of that horrible outburst. How dare you child unleash magic at me! We will find ways to help you control that!

"Your Highness, the boy has been kept locked away since birth. He does not understand what power or abilities he has.”  Rhavan answered her coldly. 

He reached into his coat pocket and produced a large pouch of gems. Placing it down at her feet. She looked at him shocked.

“What is the meaning of this? We had a deal!” She snapped.

“Yes your Majesty, you are correct, we HAD and agreement. I have decided to keep him for myself. I have returned the bribe you gave me. Your kind has shown you can not be appreciative of this gift given your race.”

"Such gall! I will teach you not to ever cross a Svartálfar Queen!" 

She began to mumble and jester a spell, focusing it on Fenya. Recognizing what was about to happen, on instinct I grabbed the Queen by the arms, letting the spell hit me full blast square in the chest. Absorbing it all, flew across the room hitting the stone wall hard. I slumped to the floor unconscious.

"Rhavan do something!”  Fenya screamed.

Angered he grabbed me up in his arms, “You dare try to harm one of MY children?!? My beautiful Fenya could have perished. That is unforgivable and now makes us enemies!”  and with that, we disappeared into the thick foggy mist once again.



Attempt at Rebirth


It was the day of Ostara 1711, it felt like I had slept for days. I was rested but still felt weak and a fog still lingered in my mind. Lying there the memory of Rhavan's attack began to slowly come back to me. A sharp electric type pain shot through my chest. I gasped and sat up. Panic surged through my heart as I jumped to my feet and ran to the door only to find it was locked. Frantically I looked for a way out. For a fleeting moment I wished I had never left my dark cell. The large open room I was in began to overwhelm me. I felt as though the walls were growing larger. I scrambled into a dark corner of the room and hid. I could hear footsteps coming toward the door. The door opened and Rhavan stepped in. I let out a gasp as his eyes locked with mine instantly. I shook my head and begged him to stay away. Rhavan just laughed and snatched me up and threw me across the room like a rag doll. His strength was incredible. I hit the floor hard, knocking the air out of me. 

“I thought after letting you rest for the last few weeks I would be greeted properly. So let me show you how you will greet me from here on out. You will kneel before me when I walk into a room, hands behind your back, head bent, eyes to the floor at all times in my presence. Do you hear me elf?”  He said, forcing me into a kneeling position. Pushing my head towards the floor.

I just stared down trying to catch my breath. I could not stand to look at him. I felt so violated, so trapped. 

“I asked you a question!”  he slapped me hard in the side of the head. I glared up at him and then eyes back quickly down to the floor. Rhavan giggled at my stubbornness. 

“Okay, fine. You want to be stubborn, back into the coffin you go.”  He laughed, grabbing the collar around my neck, pulling me like a dog. I immediately tried backing away from him. 

“Please, no…no, not box”  I pleaded as Rhavan continued to stalk me across the room. 

“And why should I not punish you. You have been a very naughty boy. Your display  in front of the Queen Mitzeri was very much uncalled for. But, now seeing what magic you can absorb and survive, I have much grander plans in store. I do also have to thank you for saving my lovely Fenya . She would not be alive if it were not for you.”  Rhavan purred as bent down to caress my face.

Fenya walked into the room. Rhavan let go of me and grabbed her up in his arms and kissed her passionately. I watched how she reacted to his soft touch and light kisses. Rhavan looked back over at me and said, “What are you looking at? You want her? I know you do. You listen to me boy. She is mine as you are mine. You can never have her.” 

He let go of Fenya and grabbed up me by the arms. I didn’t struggle with him. I just stood in front of him looking very bewildered. Rhavan smiled and kissed my cheek softly.

“Nienar, you really do not understand the power you hold within you. The spells you had thrown at you by Queen Tazbbár and Queen Mitzeri were meant to kill. At first I was convinced she had killed you, but you survived. Instead, you absorbed it. All of it all. Your power to self heal without assistance is incredible. The youthfulness you have brought back to me is a dream. I am over two-hundred years old and look at me! A young man of twenty-five! I never thought I would be youthful again. You have given me a tremendous gift.”  He caressed my face gently, kissing my other cheek. My expression did not change. Eye still focused downward to the floor.

Rhavan continued on, “I have no plans to give you over to the Svartálfar. They do not understand you. But I do, I have brought you back to my ancestral home. Here you will be of great value to me, our Coven, and our church. I have spent many years learning about your kind. Learning your language, reading the stories of the 'prophesied child' who was sent from Lilith and Samael. The gaul of those feeble creatures to just ignore such a gift. To DARE sacrifice it. No better than the Romans when they sacrificed Our Lord, Jesus Christ on a cross! Ohhh, I have such grand, grand plans for you, my boy. To ensure you understand who owns and controls you I am about to teach you a very valuable lesson. This will be the most important lesson you will ever learn. One of how you will always need me to survive.” 

A wicked look flashed across his face as he grabbed my hair, pulling my head back, exposing my throat. I felt my knees go weak as sharp fangs sunk deep into my neck. I gasped out and grabbed onto Rhavan for support. Fenya came up behind me to help guide me gently down to the floor as Rhavan continued to drain me. I did not panic this time as I felt my heartbeat slowing. I feared angering him more than the thought of death. Fenya placed my head on her lap as Rhavan pulled away, my blood still dripping down his chin and the sides of his mouth. With his sharp teeth he tore into his own wrist, placing it just over my mouth. I felt the warm drops hit my lips. The taste was bitter like poison. I tried to resist. Fenya held my head still as Rhavan forced me to drink it. It was disgusting. I tried not to swallow any and spit most of it back at him. With a determined look, he wiped the blood from his face, and forced me to drink again.  

“Please Nienar don't struggle, it will only anger him. Just let it happen.” She whispered in my ear. 

Doing as she asked me to, I choked and swallowed the vile fluid. Doing my best to hold it down. I felt so sick. Fenya released me from her grasp and I began to writhe on the floor as I felt my body begin to stiffen, soon paralyzing me. My breathing became shallow, heartbeat almost non-existent. The terror I felt was indescribable. As my body felt as if it was dying, I was fully aware of everything happening around me. Rhavan stood over me, looking down as I became his newest fledgling. He could tell I was about to cross over. He picked me up in his arms and walked across the chamber. Fenya watched as Rhavan placed me back in the coffin. She walked up behind him, putting her hand on his shoulder. 

“Is that really necessary?” She asked, looking down at my vacant eyes staring back. She reached down and closed them gently.

“Why do you torture him so?”

Without a moment's hesitation he answered, “Because it amuses me. Look at him, Fenya. He really has no clue about anything. He is an innocent empty vessel. And he’s all mine.” He snickered pleasantly at himself and his handy work.

He caressed my face and closed the lid and locked it. He knew I would revive in a matter of moments. He took Fenya by the hand and led her over to his throne, placing her on his lap. He kissed her on the lips sweetly and held her close as he began to giggle with anticipation.

As if someone had hit me with a bolt of lightning, I awoke with a harsh jolt causing me to hit my head hard on the coffin lid. I gasped for air as I felt my body tingle from head to toe. I blinked a few times until I realized I was in the coffin again. Paralyzing fear overtook me.  I started yelling and screaming as loud as I could.  I pushed hard against the lid. Suddenly I felt a side of it give way. Rhavan also noticed it and flew over and sat on top of the lid. Tapping on it to torture me a bit more. He laughed at me through the lid.

  “Welcome to the first day to the rest of your life. Now, be still! I’m tired of listening to your whimpering. As I said earlier, you have a lesson to learn today. And it is that I am the only one who can keep you alive. Soon you will begin to feel a hunger in your gut that you have never experienced before. Nothing close to the starvation you felt back in your little dank cell. This will drive your very being. It will control all your thoughts, and passion, as I control you now.”

“Please let out. ” I begged.

“Nope, stay in your new home for a while. I’ll come for you eventually. Maybe then you will understand the lesson. Fenya go over and lay on my bed like a good girl.” He said smiling at her. She did as she was told. 

I closed my eyes to relax myself from losing control. I knew that’s what Rhavan wanted. He yearned for reasons to beat me. As I laid there and thought of my plight, I could hear slight moaning coming from Fenya. I focused on her voice. She let out another round of passionate moans. I began to feel very warm and comfortable. Like a wave of peacefulness enveloped me. The more she moaned the more I seemed to connect with her.

I almost thought I could hear her voice in my head. All of a sudden out of nowhere, I felt a sharp pain grip at my stomach. It was a hunger pain, but like Rhavan warned, it was nothing like I had ever felt. As the hours dragged on I suffered more and more from the hunger pains. I didn’t dare call out, for fear he would never let me out. 

A few days later Rhavan came to check on his new fledgling since he had not heard a sound from me. Opening the lid cautiously, he found me near death.

He smiled down at me and said, “I know you can hear me boy. I am going to feed you now. I hope you now understand by what I mean when I say you will never survive without me. From here on you must depend on me to feed you. If you behave, I will feed you. If you choose not to cooperate, then I will throw you back in a pine box and starve you.” 

He tore into his wrist and placed it on my lips. I began to feed trying desperately to quench my hunger. It was the vilest thing I had ever tasted, but I managed to choke down every drop Rhavan allowed me. I finished feeding and slowly climbed out of the coffin and knelt in front of  him as instructed. I felt myself begin to feel strong and healthy for the first time in my life. The hunger left and my thirst quenched. Everything became heightened, my hearing, sight, touch, taste and sense of smell. I smiled slightly at what was happening to me. The feeling was incredible. This feeling only lasted a short while before I began to get violently ill, throwing back up every drop of blood I had just consumed. 

“What happen?”  I looked up at him terrified.

“Hmmm, perhaps I over fed you. No bother. Do you enjoy what you are feeling? Invigorating isn’t it. You are now a vampire, a creature of the undead. Only I possess the nourishment you need to stay alive. No others blood will do for you what mine can. So if you ever think of trying to run away, or feed from another, remember who keeps you alive. I am your Sire. I made you as I made Fenya. I am your Master and you will do as I say and do as I command of you. I can end you as quickly as I made you. Do you understand?” he asked, taking my face in his hand.

“Yes Father,” I answered defeatedly. 

The truth was I did not like how my body was reacting. The strength and heightened senses faded shortly after I got sick. If this was how I would react every time I had to drink blood, this was no existence. The thought of having to depend on Rhavan for the rest of my life tortured me. There had to be another way of surviving, I thought to myself. Rhavan began to kiss my face softly, then on the lips. I placed my hand gently on Rhavan's and said, “no.” 

“Excuse me?” He questioned in shock. 

“Did I give you permission to speak? I don’t remember giving you permission.” 

He slowly backed me up against the door. Holding me by the throat, Rhavan bent forward and kissed me more passionately. In a panic, I pushed him hard causing him to fall back into a chair. We stared at each other in disbelief. 

“I not mean.” I stammered, looking at my hands in disbelief. 

Rhavan stood up and straightened out his clothes and hair and stormed over to me. I stood my ground and prepared myself for a struggle as he approached. I was down before I could defend myself.

“How dare you push me away, again!? You will learn once and for all never to push me away! Now we will have to do it the hard way. Why must you always make me hurt you?” 

I fought hard against Rhavans' attack. Once again he latched onto my neck sinking his sharp fangs deep into the vein. The strength I felt moments before was completely gone. Rhavan proceeded to stomp and kick me. I tried to deflect them as much as I could. A rib broke and I gasped out in pain. I felt a hard kick to the head, a trickle of blood rolled down my temple. My mind became clouded. I was aware of all that was happening but could hardly move. I could feel and see through swollen eyes Rhavan undressing me. I weakly kicked at him in a futile attempt to stop what was about to happen, but could not stop him.  A searing pain coursed through my being as I felt Rhavan enter. I closed my eyes tightly as the assault began. 

Once again I could feel as though my mind would snap at any moment. Rhavan finished quickly having his way and left me lying on the floor. He dressed himself and threw my clothes at me. I gathered what strength I had left and dressed myself. My ribs ached and it was hard to breathe. Blood dripped from my nose and mouth and a steady trickle running from the temple. My left eye was almost swollen shut. Rhavan walked up behind me as I finished dressing. He put his arms around my waist resting his chin on my shoulder and spoke softly in my ear.

“Now see how easy that was. Don’t try to fight me again, my boy, you will always lose. You think you look bad now, just try to push me away again.” 

I answered him defeatedly, “Yes Father.” with my head hung low.

I felt so dirty, insignificant, before Rhavan. It truly killed me inside every time I thought of having to depend on him until my dying days. Rhavan kissed me and left me in that cold room. A sigh of relief escaped me as I heard the door lock. In fit of disgust I punched the mirror, shattering it. I couldn’t look at myself. The humiliation was too much to bear. I grabbed the wool cover from the cot and wrapped myself in it. Shivering, I cried myself to sleep. I'm not sure what time it was, as for it was still dark out when a strong tingling in my hand woke me. Shaking it, trying to wake it, thinking it had fallen asleep, the room suddenly filled with tiny firefly sized lights. I panicked! I jumped up and started trying to shoo the little lights away terrified that someone would walk in and see it. I had not shown any signs of magic since the episode with Queen Mitzeri. In hindsight, I am glad I did, because just as the last light disappeared, Rhavan entered. Instinctively I went to my knees, head to the floor, as instructed. This pleased him as he walked across the room and sat on my bed, patting it for me to sit next to him. I did as requested. He pulled out a small black book.  

“Do you know what this is?

“No Father.” shaking my head. 

“This is the Holy Bible. The source of all Christian faiths. From this book you will learn to read and understand German. Knowledge is the key to everything. And one gains knowledge from reading.” 

He opened the book and began to read from it, having me repeat what he said. “In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth.”  

After reading a few paragraphs he asked me to go back and read out loud what we just went over. I did as he asked, with little difficulty. This made him extremely happy. He gave a smile I had not seen since my arrival.  There was no fear of him gripping my heart as we sat together in that moment.  We went on reading together for the remainder of the afternoon. By the next evening, I had read most of the Old Testament. My reward for being such an apt pupil was a new room.

I was moved to a more comfortable 10x12 foot room that was warmed by a small fireplace. I was thankful for that since it was still winter in Germany. I had never seen snow before, nor ever held the bitter cold, wetness of it. Soft, flaky, like a freezing cloud. I wasn't allowed to leave my room unless needed. So I would reach out my small window and let it fall onto my hand until I couldn't take the chill any longer. I also discovered I loved the sound of falling rain. The sound of it soothed me. The smell of the spring rain is my favorite. I would gaze out the windows looking over the lake and nearby forest day and night. The colors of the sky were unseen to me before then. Reds, blues, purples, yellows and orange hues all amazingly stunning. The birds chirping as white fluffy cloudy drifted lazily through the sky. The deer and stags that would peek out of the forest long enough to take a drink from the lake. The night sky and the twinkle of the stars were more amazing than anything I had ever seen in the Svartálfaheimr. I would sit there  at my desk for hours looking over the wondrous landscape. Dreaming of the day I could escape this horrid creature. My clothing was made of the finest fabrics from around the world. Lavish furniture filled the room and bookshelves full of books with lessons for me to memorize. Books in Latin, French, English, and German. I was given a bible of my own and was taught by Fenya how to read and adhere to it's lessons. Even if “Father” did not follow them himself. I had no contact with anyone else except for Rhavan when he was horny or hungry.  And, Fenya when she brought me my meals or taught me bible lessons. It was a very lonely existence, much like my life before. Just in a prettier box. The beatings and abuse progressively got worse over the following  two weeks.  I still did my best to read my lesson books and learn the new language and did so quickly. I had a much harder time with memorizing scripture. It made no sense to me and for whatever reason, I could not retain it to save my life. To me it was nothing more than a creation story book. One I could not relate to. Up until then, I had not met Rhavan's other fledglings as of yet. But that was about to change. On the morning of Easter Sunday, April, 5, 1711. Fenya came to my room and awoke me, asking me to come with her. I sleepily obeyed, thinking Rhavan wanted another late night tryst. We went to one of the spare rooms he had in the castle. She instructed me to undress and lie on the table situated in the middle of the room. Still very much half asleep I did as told without question. She placed a white cloth across my waist to give me a bit of modesty. This small comfort did help a bit. She took leather straps and strapped my arms and legs down to the table. Something sharp dug into my wrists causing them to bleed. This caught my attention and looked down and noticed the table has long grooves carved into it. My blood began to fill the grooves and move towards my feet. There at the end of the table stood Rhavan dressed in long religious priest robes holding a beautifully jeweled chalice, filling it with my blood that now dripped from the edge. As Fenya lit candles to brighten the room, my senses started to come to me and recognized suddenly we were not alone. There standing behind Rhavan were another eight vampires, gaunt and sickly looking. They all looked really old. It was obvious they had not been fed in a very long time. This was the first time they had ever seen me and I them. He had kept me locked away from everyone else but him and Fenya since my arrival. Rhavan saw I was growing nervous. The fear in my eyes was evident. He walked over and gently wiped the tears from my eyes. Dipping his finger in the chalice, he placed the sign of the cross on my forehead.

“Do not fear them little elf. These are your brothers and sisters now. They need your blood to be whole again. We will all feed from you and be as one. I finally have my coven of twelve. Just as our Savior did.” 

He turned to the others and said pointing towards me, “ Blessed morning my children. Behold  before you a lamb of God. Innocent of the world. I have spoken to you at great length of the creatures born of the Fallen Angels as Enoch had written. Here before you is one of those creatures. He is a type of elf called a Svartálfar. We rescued him from execution. His blood is sweeter than anything you have ever tasted. He will cleanse you of all sin and you shall be renewed today as it did the day our Lord rose from the grave. With your little brother's gift, you will all once again, be young and healthy. You have seen the power that his blood has given me. Since you have all been grateful little beggars I will allow you a taste. Now I share this with you, my children. 'Et cum sanguis est ut curaretur in nomine Domini nostri.'  And with this blood be healed in the name of our Savior. Now, come, drink.”  He took the first drink.

One by one they approached and drank from the cup as if they were accepting communion. Each within minutes, began to turn youthful and healthy. They looked at one another, pointing, laughing, crying, kissing and hugging as if it were a giant miracle.  Rhavan walked over to me and kissed me on the forehead, then my cheeks, then my lips. His hand gently caressing my chest. I was completely defenseless and in no shape to fend off his growing sexual advances. I knew what was coming, at least I thought I did.  At that moment, every horror I had ever been through at his hands to that point, paled in comparison to what was to come. He removed a small knife from his vest pocket.  Taking the blade he proceeded to make little cuts all up and down my arms, legs, chest, and anywhere else it pleased him. I grunted in pain at each slice. This stirred the others into an almost near frenzy. 

Opening his arms wide, he said to them, “Come my children. I know I have put you through a lot over the years, in search of your new little brother. But, here I give him to you.  To feed your hunger. Feed until you are full my fledglings. De carne ejus gustare. Bibe sanguinem ejus.”

Pleading with him the best I could through the panic that swelled inside me. “Father please! I beg not leave me with them.”  I cried.

He only looked down at me and smiled, “Hush now Nienar. It will all be over soon enough.”

There I was, left alone in a room full of starving vampires. They did exactly what their Sire instructed. Latching onto me as if I was their last meal. I cried out as I felt the pricking of their teeth breaking through my flesh. The strong odor of decay and sickness filled my senses as their hands explored and groped at my body. My heart was beating hard as if someone was hitting my chest.  Soon my breathing slowed and I don't remember much after. I'm guessing now, in the stress of the moment, I must have passed out. Rhavan was extremely happy with the outcome of his little religious treat for them. They never questioned his authority again after that morning. As for my gift from it, I still have night terrors about it to this day.

Muffled voices came from the shadows. Everything was spinning around me as my head pounded. I opened my eyes slowly allowing them to adjust to the bright light streaming from the windows. I was lying on the cold floor of my room. Flashes of earlier in the day bombarded my mind forcing me to my feet. I staggered to the door to find it locked. That didn't surprise me. As my eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight, I looked down at my arms and chest. I carried scarring from past beatings, but the marks of the vampires from earlier had all but disappeared.  I still had the mark of Rhavan's insignia on my chest, a branding I would carry forever. I traced it slightly with my fingers. In a moment of uncontrollable emotion I grabbed the chair from my desk. With all my might I smashed it against the stone wall.

I yelled out at the top of my lungs in a fit of despair, “What have I done to forsake you Father? Why must I always be locked away?” Waves of emotions kept washing over to me. I stumbled over to my bed and collapsed, sobbing uncontrollably.

The crashing was heard throughout the castle halls. Fenya ran to get Rhavan to find out what the commotion was. She burst into this chamber just as he and Tama were finishing having relations. She was the object of his ultimate affections. His first and favorite fledgling. 

“Father, there was a loud commotion coming from Nienars' room. I didn't not mean to be rude and interrupt, please forgive me. I thought you might be concerned.”  she knelt at his bedside.

Reaching for her he answered, “Yes, I hear the little beast. I assume his behavior is a result of this morning's ceremony. Now, I must leave my lovely Tama and have a chat with the lad.”

Rhavan dressed, far from pleased having his playtime interrupted with Tama. When he entered the room, it was silent all for my quiet sobs. 

“What is the problem Nienar? Do you not like the room I have given you? I thought you would come to appreciate the finer things this world could offer. Perhaps I was mistaken. Perhaps time back in your coffin may find you a bit more grateful. Now get over here or do I have to come get you?”  He said and snapped his fingers.

Wiping the tears from my face, I slowly rose to my feet and approached Rhavan. I knelt before him, head hung low, offering my wrist to him. 

“I am sorry, please forgive. I do not understand all what I am feeling. I pray thee grant me pity, please Father.”  I begged hoping a beating would not follow. 

Very pleased by my gesture, he brought me up to my feet and took my wrist in his hand. He went to bite when something caught his attention.  He noticed how much I had healed from only a few hours ago. None of the marks remained from the earlier ceremony. The carving of his house insignia had healed nicely on my chest. Curious about my quick healing ability, he took his sharp nail and dragged it along my arm. Within a few minutes the mark began to fade. 

“There is something extremely special about you my boy.”  he said, still examining my arm as the mark completely disappeared.

“I am not sure of what you mean Father”. I answered.

Very much like the little lights that flooded the room from the flick of my hand earlier, I had no clue. Dread began to grip me out of what Rhavan's intentions might be next. 

“Oh come on now child. Look at how quickly you have healed from this morning. The marks are all but gone. The seal in which I carved into your flawless white skin should have taken many weeks to heal and that too only took a matter of days.  You mend quicker than any of our kind, and yours.”  looking me in the eyes, he continued, “I know you struggle with reasons as to why I treat you this way. My Sire was weak, had no control over his fledglings. As you have learned I am far from weak, and see how I have the respect of my children. Since my maker did not control his flock, I must be hard on mine. Hardest on those whom I love the most to insure that you never forget who owns you. From here on forth you will do all I request of you. Kill, steal, or destroy whatever I command you to. My castle and all those who dwell within these walls you will defend with your life. Protect your Coven, your brothers and sisters from those from the outside world who may want to destroy our kind.”

“What is your kind Father?”  I asked, speaking to him now in perfect German, forgetting my place.

My hand shot up to my mouth. I stared back terrified. We looked at each other in shock. My Svartálfar accent was strong, but one could understand every work I said.

“Have you always been able to speak and understand German and hid it this whole time?” Rhavan asked me angered, clutching me up by the throat. 

“No Father! It learned as you wished... I understood it.” I stammered, staring at him wide eyed. 

“I don't know what is happening to me. What am I? Why have I been cursed to look like this?” 

He released me from his grasp. Tears fell down my cheeks as I dropped to my knees in front of him. It killed me inside to fall at this creature's feet, but deep down I knew it would be the only way to get the answers I desperately needed. I was beginning to learn how to play his sick mind games. 

In a moment of realization, it had not occurred to Rhavan that I truly had no clue what type of being I was. I knew nothing of my culture, my traits, my magickal abilities. Taking me in his arms he embraced me tightly.

“Hush now my child, I will teach you all you wish to know about your race of elves, in due time. No one cares for you more than I do or ever will. I know I can be cruel to you, but it is because only I truly love you and cherish you. That insignia on your chest proves to the others you belong to me and only me. That I hold you at a higher standard then I do of the rest of my children.  Now, go wash your face and clean up this mess. Is that understood? He asked kindly. “And try not to have another outburst like this again.”

It was the first time Rhavan had ever spoken to me nicely and didn't harm me. It truly confused me. Why did this “love” have to be so painful and confusing?  After he left the room, locking the door behind him, I began to clean up the pieces of broken chair. I placed them next to the fireplace. I went over to the window and began to daydream of a life beyond the castle walls. I heard the servant enter and remove the broken chair and cleaning behind me but I just continued to look out the window. 




Lost Identity


I had been with Rhavan for about seven months when his devoted fledglings tried to take my life. He had gone away on a trip with Fenya and left his concubine named, Tama Hagen, in charge of us all. She was his first and most favored fledgling. His second in command. A tall woman with long jet black hair, dark brown, cold eyes, tiny waist and huge breasts. She was an evil, evil bitch. And I’m being kind. Tama was the female equivalent of Rhavan. He found her sometime in the early 1500's in a tavern working as a prostitute in some city in Germany. She would purposely go out of her way to make my life miserable. 

While he was away, there were strict orders to leave me be. Only to have contact with the servants because he did not trust his fledglings to be alone with me. They had begun to show erratic behavior. As if they were starting to go slightly mad. Rhavans solution was to stop feeding them blood. Not just mine, but all blood. They began to feed from the vermin and small animals around the castle grounds behind his back. 

All was well as the days went on in his absence. I was left alone to my studies and daydreaming. It was nice to not have to worry about when Rhavan might want to feed or have sex.  On the evening of November 10th 1711, my attention was focused on the latest bible lesson Fenya wished me to memorize before they arrived back home the next day. At some point my meal was brought to me.  Eating, reading and drinking until I was full. Sleep came upon me suddenly, and I had to lay down. Slumber embraced me as soon as my head hit the pillow.

The sounds of scuffling feet and whispers bounced off the walls around me. The voices began to get clearer. I wanted to open my eyes, but was too tired.  A rope ran across my foot then tightened around my ankle. Desperately I tried to move but found I had no strength. A very disgusting odor filled the room as I was finally able to open my eyes. There standing above me were Rhavans' male fledglings ensuring I was bound down securely. Terror filled my heart as the reality of the situation hit me. 

“What are you going to do now long ears? Rhavan is gone and little Fenya isn't here to protect your sweet ass. You are ours to do what we please.” One of my 'brothers' sneered at me.

Another male, taller than the rest, came at me and wrapped a cloth around my face covering my mouth. Fists began to pummel my face and chest. Blood from my broken nose drained down the back of my throat causing me to choke. Something snapped in my side causing me to have trouble breathing.

Tama walked over and laughed at the sorry shape I was in. Grabbing me by the hair, forcing my head back, her teeth tore into my flesh. Her hand slowly moved down my neck and chest till her fingers traced the scar. Her touch was ice cold. A small rumble of voices erupted.

“Why does he get the house insignia?”

“None of us have the mark.”

“Does the Father want to replace us?”

“Who cares I’m starving.”

My heart raced as they came at me, each of their faces decayed and vacant. It was apparent Rhavan was not feeding them. I closed my eyes tight as I felt each one bite into any part of my body they could get to. Tama was back feeding on my neck. I struggled a bit, but not enough to stop the frenzy. The odor they emitted turned my stomach. I felt so sick, I tried to sit up, but they just held me down tighter. I panicked. Tama stopped feeding and told the rest to stop as well. She pulled out a stiletto knife from her bodice and grabbed me by the hair.

“Rhavan finds you so beautiful; he has become obsessed with you. I am his first and favorite and will not have some obsession he has take him away from me. It's bad enough he can't leave Fenya well enough alone. I will not have all his attention directed elsewhere any longer. I wonder how beautiful he will find you when we finish with you. Since Father wants you to be one of us so badly, let's help him look more human.” 

Something sharp cut across the top of my ears in what felt like a flash. I don’t remember feeling any pain. I think I was in so much shock that she actually cut them off.  I screamed at them through the gag, calling them every name I could think of in Svartálfar. They just took away the only thing that I felt was my identity. It was one thing for this human vampire and his sick brood to “own” me, but to totally lose what made me Svartálfar was too much.  They all laughed at me and dragged me up to my feet. Someone wrapped a cloth around my eyes. A rope was placed over my head, tightening around my throat as I lifted up. Left hanging high enough to allow my toes to touch the floor. I tried to speak but nothing came out. All I did was cough up more blood. This threw them into a major feeding frenzy. I let out a gargled cry as their sharp fangs tore into me, feeding on me as if it were their last meal. The rope gave around my neck and I hit the floor hard. Something very sharp tore into my chest then plunged deep into it. I knew I had been stabbed. I stopped fighting and finally gave in and accepted my fate. This was it. I was about to die at the hands of these disgusting decaying creatures. I let out one last desperate cry as I felt the slowing of my heart.


As soon as he entered his home, Rhavan could smell the fresh blood. Like a flash of lightning he dashed through the halls to my room. There he found me bound, bloodied and bruised with a small knife still protruding from the middle of my chest. He reached down and could see no signs of life. Fenya gasped behind him when her eyes met the horrors before them. My face was almost unrecognizable and deep, bluish, purple, bruises covered my chest, arms and legs. Rhavan knelt down next to me and untied the binds. Gently he pulled the blade slowly from my chest. He could tell by the state of the dried blood the attack had happened not too long before he arrived. Shock tore through his being as he saw the tips of my ears lying on the floor. He lifted me up into his arms and paced the room. I moaned slightly. He held me tight against him as he walked back and forth. 

“How could they do this to me? Haven't I given them eternal life? Given them a lifestyle beyond anything they could have had in life?”  He yelled out in anger.

“I honestly do not understand it Father. You are very good to us.” she cried at his feet.

Rhavan looked down at her, then at me, laying me down on my bed. I stirred slowly as I woke in a cold sweat. I couldn't see, but knew I was safe. I could hear Rhavan and Fenya's voices. I drifted back into a deep sleep. Rhavan told Fenya to clean me up and tend to my wounds the best she could, he would be back soon. He left for his chambers in a rage, yelling out for Tama.

Fenya left and came back a few minutes later with warm water and dressing for my wounds. I slept soundly as she finished cleaning me up and tucked me into bed. Kissing me on the forehead before walking out the door. As she walked back to her room she feared what Rhavan would do to his fledglings for harming me.

Rhavan paced the floors of his castle trying to decide what to do with his ungrateful children. This was most unacceptable. They knew I was not to be touched. The way they tried to destroy me. Scarring me for the remainder of my days by removing the tips of my ears was beyond forgivable. He confronted each of them and they all denied having any involvement. He would not allow anyone to take his control away. 

It had been six days since the attack and I was healing incredibly slow. I suffered from a fever and was coughing up blood. Fenya called it 'Consumption' and feared I had contracted it from one of those who harmed me. If it were true, Rhavan feared greatly I had little time left. Why his attempt had failed to turn me into a vampire eluted him. If I did not turn before my time was up I would be lost to him forever. He would not accept that outcome. 

Fenya came to check in on me often. She understood what Rhavan was going through. She knew how her Sire suffered with the thought of losing his most prized possession so soon after acquiring it. Fenya also had reason for wanting me to stay alive. She feared Rhavan and she felt she could finally find safety in another's' arms. She needed me to get well and help her escape this horrid castle, Rhavan, and his sick demented brood.  

She sat on the edge of my bed. Speaking softly, reading from the Bible through her tears. I began to stir out of my fever induced slumber. Gathering some strength, I reached out and took her in my arms. She buried her face in my chest and sobbed. I held onto her for dear life. 

“No tears Fenya.”  I said, wiping away a few tears from her cheek.

“I will get better. You will see. Father says I always survive what I should not. Please do not cry. I will get better and we will leave here. We do not belong here, we are not like them. I will not let harm come to you. Father may believe he owns us, but Father owns us only because he takes what does not belong to him.” I spoke to her in German. 

Taking her face in my hands I looked her straight in the eyes, wiping away more of her tears. She suddenly kissed me deeply. I responded in kind. I had never felt anything like I did when I kissed those soft lips. For that moment nothing else existed but us. She pulled away quickly and tried to compose herself.  A look of shock suddenly flashed across her face. 

“You spoke! I understood you, how did you learn our language?” She asked.

It didn’t even realize what I had done. I had not spoken a word to her up until that moment and Rhavan would speak to me only in Svartálfarian. I still had a very thick Svartálfar accent, which sounds like a heavy German accent to the untrained ear, but I spoke perfect German. We laughed about it for a few seconds. Soon the mood turned serious again. She told me that the Rhavan wanted me in the great hall as soon as I was well enough to move. I figured it was better to get it over with so I struggled to my feet and dressed myself. I still could not look at myself in a mirror. Fenya fussed about me, straightening my collar, fixing my hair, making sure I looked perfect for him.  All I could do was look at her, watching her every move. She made me feel a way I couldn’t understand. Amidst all of the terror I had endured in such a short time out of the Svartálfaheimr, at that moment she made it all go away. I noticed how her green eyes sparkled as she fussed about.  Her red lips always had a smile on them no matter how hard things got for her at the castle.  As she went to brush the hair from my eyes, her fingers brushed across where the tips of my ears used to be. She let out a slight gasp and her face turned truly sad. I took her arms and placed them to her side.  I don’t know why but I just had to let her know how I felt.

“Fenya, you are the most beautiful being I have ever seen in my life.”

Something hit me hard in the chest. It wasn't a bad feeling, just a feeling I had not experienced before. The only way to describe it was overwhelming. Staring at her in awe, she smiled back at me shyly. 

“Being here with you in this moment makes all the bad go away. I don't know if I could have survived this long without you.”

Fenya endured the tortures of Rhavan with me which brought us closer. She gave me strength when I thought I could not take another moment of my existence. We found solace and comfort in each other's arms. She was gentle and compassionate. Things I had never experienced or received in my life up to that point.

Needless to say Rhavan was not pleased by his children's actions and had decided on how they would be punished.  The following I am about to describe may get a bit graphic; unfortunately the memories of this night will never leave me. As we approached the great dinning hall I stopped cold in my tracks in front of the entryway.  I felt like I was going to lose my balance. Fenya held me steady.

“What’s wrong?” She asked.

“I need to sit down. Can't you smell them? It's sickening. I am not feeling very well.”

I began to cough causing my ribs to ache. It was so bad I dropped to one knee.  She helped me back to my feet and taking her handkerchief wiped a small trickle of blood on the side of my mouth. I felt so sick and tired. I was trying my best to stay strong for Fenya and not to anger Rhavan more than he already was. We walked over to the dining table. I had to lean heavily on Fenya for support. I noticed that Tama was not at the table in her usual place next to him. She had been mysteriously absent since the attack. Fenya motioned for me to sit in her place. We all sat nervously eating in silence. I picked at the food on my plate. I was so hungry but it all tasted rancid. Placing his knife and fork down, Rhavan stood up and began to speak angrily.

“As you all know, I had to take a small trip a few days ago. While I was away it seems that your new brother was attacked. It saddened me to my core to arrive home to find him in such a horrible state. Beaten, bled dry and the tips of his ears missing! How could you mutilate something I love so dearly? A flawless gift from God Himself and you destroyed that. Why did you have to do such an ugly thing to such a beautiful creature? Whatever possessed you to do this to my gift to you all? He is the one creature that can keep you healthy and young. Look at yourselves, he gave you that gift. The one creature that possesses the sweetest intoxicating blood you will ever taste on this earth. He is weak and sickly now. I don’t think you realize the full extent of your actions. You have all forced my hand and I will give you all one last chance to come forward and tell me which of you attacked him. He refuses to name those of you who attacked him, so does anyone wish to speak?”

When none of them spoke up he became enraged. He stormed across the room and grabbed one of them by the throat.

“Was it you? Did you do that to him?” He threw the creature to the floor.

“Since none of you can find your voices I will find them for you.” He turned to Fenya, bringing her to her feet. “Relax and take a deep breath my sweet. It will all be over soon. Trust me.” 

He grabbed her by the hair pulling her head back and sunk his teeth deep into her throat and fed quickly. 

Looking at us all he hissed, “You all have shown me I can no longer trust any of you. I must now find a new family.”

I watched Fenya go limp in his arms as he drank her almost dry. I grabbed his arm as he laid her on the table in front of me. “What would you give me to save her?”  He growled at me.

I looked back at him in terror. I could not imagine living this existence with Rhavan without her by my side. I took her hand, it felt so cold, her lips were a bluish hue and all the pinkish color of her cheeks was gone. 

“Father, bring her back.”  Tears fell down my face as I begged.

A sick devilish smile came to his face as he looked at his terrified brood. It was obvious he had not fed in days. It showed in his face and his mood. Her blood did not sedate his craving.

“I asked you a question boy. What would you do for her?  Would you swear to do all I ask and command of you? Do you swear to be honest with me at all times? That you will always give yourself freely to me, your body and blood to do with as I please and to share you with whomever I please.” He growled, flashing his fangs.

Grasping her cold hand, I said looking him in the eyes, “O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins because of thy just punishments, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, who art all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve with the help of Thy grace to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin. Please Father! I beg you! You have my undying loyalty and love.” 

My response pleased him greatly. I truly feared what was to come but I couldn’t lose her now. I would say and endure whatever it took to keep her with me.  He instructed me to remove her from the table and place her on the floor. I did as I was told and just as I had placed her down gently, Rhavan grabbed me by the back of my shirt and slammed me hard against the table. A rib felt like it cracked on impact knocking all the air out of me. 

“Now show them how well you obey my son.” He growled into my ear.

“Yes Father,”  I gasped in agony.

He tore down my trousers to my ankles before I could catch a breath. I tried to reach back to pull them up but he stopped me and grabbed my waist roughly. I closed my eyes tightly, fighting hard to keep the tears from escaping as I struggled to not let the humiliation overtake my mind. It was difficult to deal with the previous attacks from him, we were alone. This time he took me in front of all of them, in front of her. The searing pain and torment I felt destroyed me inside. 

He grabbed me by the hair forcing me to look straight ahead. “Open your eyes Nienar, look at the ones who tried to kill you. They tried to destroy you my lovely because they fear you. Tell me, who attacked you.”

They all stood watching the scene before them in complete horror. I looked each one of them in the eye.  They knew I was not going to stay silent any more. With each one of his thrusts I called out their names. Then I heard her voice. I buried my head in my arms as deep as I could to cover the sounds of my sobbing. 

“Rhavan please don’t this to him?” she cried weakly.

He stopped for only a moment and spoke to her calmly, “Fenya my dear. They all have to learn who their Lord and Father is. It seems they have all forgotten by their behavior while I was gone. You my darling daughter are spared my wrath. You have always shown loyalty, even when I know you truly hate me.”

He forced me to look at her. Gods how I wish I were dead at that moment. Whispering into my ear he continued, 

“She is already one of us little one. She was never going to die.”

I knew then I had been tricked into giving into him. I felt all the struggle leave me. Rhavan clamped tight onto my throat, tearing it wide open spraying blood all over the others. A sick gurgle escaped as I felt the warm liquid pouring from the wound down my chest. My hand went instinctively to my throat to try and stop the bleeding.  He relieved his sexual tension as I struggled to stay alive. He was kind enough to redress me before letting me collapse to the floor. I struggled to pull myself towards Fenya. Just as our hands touched, he pulled me away as he screamed at the others, 

“Do you see what you have forced me to do? You turned him into a ghoul. You diseased vermin tainted his blood, destroying the one gift that could keep us all young forever! You have defiled him and you're all going to pay.” He pointed to them and snatched me up by the shirt collar.

“He is ruined. You all ruined God's gift to you.” Dragging me across the floor he threw me at their feet.  

“Take him now. You wanted him dead, take what’s left. You’re nothing but a bunch of ungrateful jealous children.” 

I found what little bit of strength I had, cupped my throat with my hand and reached out for Fenya again.  Rhavan had gone completely mad. I tried to crawl to her but I had no energy left. He grabbed me up and cradled me in his arms, caressing my face gently and kissing my tear stained cheeks. 

“My beautiful Nienar. Soon you will carry my power within you. I now see that I can control you and you will never disappoint me the way the others have. I see how you look at Fenya. I know you would protect her at any cost. My other children didn’t seem to understand. They did not understand the power you have inside you. But I do, and I plan to harness it.”

A wicked look flashed across his face as he looked at them. I gasped and grabbed onto the vampire as he drained the rest of my life force from me.  Everything began to go dark as I felt the warm liquid drops hit my lips. The taste was bitter and I tried to resist. I hated the taste of his blood. 

“I’m going to be sick.”  I said trying to push him away.

My entire body felt as if it started to burn from the inside out. All that I had just drank came back up. The room spun wildly around me as the smell of smoke filled the air. I was lifted up and carried out of the dining hall. The heavy door slammed closed behind us. The servants put a large heavy wooden beam across it, locking the disgraced fledglings within the now burning room. Their screams and the smell of burning flesh filled the castle halls. 

Rhavan placed me in a coffin and was released a week later. Believing this time the longer I stayed confined in a coffin it would eventually force my body to change. I was brought back to my small room and that is where I was kept under lock and key. After Rhavan took me in front of his fledglings, drastic changes began to overcome me. I was confused, angry, and head games Rhavan kept playing with me were starting to take their toll. I was a nervous wreck all the time. Fenya would do her best to help sooth my nerves by singing to me or we would read books together, talking about our dreams. She would tell me about her life before she was taken away from her family by Rhavan. Our time together always made time bearable under his rule. Since we were his only two surviving children, he put great demands on us to keep him and Tama fed. He was also on the search for new children which made us extremely nervous. Who knew what type of grifting degenerates would he make vampires next? 




What is Love


Fenya would come each night to check in on me and we would say our evening prayers together. On a snowy night in January, I pretended to be sleeping through peeking eyes. A book resting on my chest with my feet propped up on the desk. I watched her peering cautiously from behind the door.  She walked over and gently moved the book. Just as she placed it on the table, I grabbed her, knocking her off balance.

“Nienar you faker, I thought you were asleep.” She giggled then kissed me passionately.  

It took me off guard, the kiss. I never expected her to still feel the same towards me.  I kissed her back and we embraced. Our hands slowly began to roam each other's bodies. She pulled away only for a moment.

“What about what Rhavan?”

“What Father doesn’t know won’t anger him.” I whispered and kissed her face. 

I had never felt more alive than I did when she was in my arms at that moment. I scooped her up and brought her to the bed. We kissed and fondled each other in a frenzy tearing the clothes off each other. The lust was more than I was ready to handle. I had no control. All I knew was that I had to have her. I had my head between her legs before she could catch her breath.  My mouth pressed up against her and she quivered and shook. Her taste was sweet and salty as I pulled her lips into my mouth. Rolling my tongue over her little nub made her moan and buck. I held her still and dug my nails into her thighs.  Sucking on her hard, driving her crazy, letting her squirm. I moved my tongue circling around and then finally parting her lips and sliding in. My hand moved up between her thighs, my fingers hitting her wetness. I slid one finger in, she moaned and melted. She cried out that the pleasure I was giving her was nothing she had ever received. It was coming to me all too natural. I kissed her as I slid my pants down, lifted her up and straddled her across my lap, and entered her hot tight wetness. A cry of ecstasy escaped her. The powerful animalistic urges swelled and without the knowledge of how to control it, I allowed it to overtake me. I took her by the hair and pulled her back allowing me to tease her nipples with my tongue. The sexual energy that we were sharing was more powerful than I could control at the time. I laid her on her back, staying deep within her, not stopping my rhythm, my hands running up and down her soft skin. I could smell her sweet juices flowing as I pumped her harder. The more she moaned the more I could feel myself losing control. I wanted to taste her blood, the need for her grew and grew as I came closer to climax. My tongue softly licked at her neck. Soon her moans turned into sexual cries of passion. I felt the sharp prick of her teeth sink into my flesh and I didn’t stop her. As she reached orgasm she bit harder. I held onto her hips as I released deep inside her. She moaned and let go of me to gather her thoughts. She pulled herself away from me, grabbed up her clothes and scurried to the door. I sat up and looked at her confused. 

“I’m, I’m not sure what just happened. I have to go.” She said as she wiped my blood from her lips. 

She dressed quickly and ran out the door, locking it behind her. I sat in shock about the whole experience. I had never been intimate with another in that way before. What caused me to act that way? The emotions that swam through me confused the hell out of me. Did I hurt her? I knew I had disobeyed Rhavans orders by taking her to my bed, but she also gave herself freely. Terror struck my heart at the thought of him finding out. I looked down at my chest and noticed her bite marks were almost gone. Then it occurred to me, maybe it was my blood she ran from. It was the first time she had ever fed from me.

Rhavan's attempts to turn me into a vampire failed and I never turned completely. This I would find out much later in my life. I do have the magical abilities of vampires but not the lust for blood as they do. I don't need it for survival. There are a select few that I still do donate my blood to. I also will not share with you exactly what abilities I have, as there are some things that still have to remain a secret.  

He would experiment on how much pain I could withstand and time my healing.  I was bound and kept in a coffin for days on end. There were times I swore my mind would snap if I had to stay enclosed in that box a minute longer.  Tama also didn’t ease up on her cruelty towards me either.  She once again caught me off guard while I was in Rhavan's library reading a book. As I was deep in thought about some nonsense or other, I never noticed Tama’s presence in the room. I didn’t have enough time to react to her leaping into my lap. She laughed wickedly and kissed me hard on the lips. 

“What do you think you are doing Tama?” I growled.

“Don’t you find me desirable? What’s wrong little one, only like men?”  She snickered at me coldly.

  I visibly shuddered at the thought of Rhavans attacks. I looked at her angrily and lifted her up off my lap. As I went to stand, she knocked me off balance forcing me to fall back against the table. She pinned me against it and sunk her teeth deep into my neck. She held fast as I fought to get her off me. 

“I did not give you permission to feed from me vile temptress. Get off of me Tama. You don’t want to anger Father”.  I said worriedly at her as I tried to get her off my lap. 

“Don’t you want me? Don’t you find me desirable?” She purred as she ran her fingers through my hair. I knew she wanted more. I struggled to keep her from feeding further from me.

“You are a true vision of beauty but there is nothing attractive or desirable about you. I find you cold and cunning. Very much like the females from where I come from. You should be thanking me for not telling Father who really led that attack on me. I  will forever hate you for what you took from me.”

With a very evil smile she hiked up her skirts and climbed on my lap. She began grinding herself against me. Her lust growing for me. Her mouth clamped tightly to my lips. I felt blood flood into my mouth as she bit down.

Pulling back from me Tama said. “You are about to hate me even more darling. Have you been standing there long Fenya?” 

Fenya stood shocked in the doorway. I froze as her eyes connected with mine.

“I'm sorry, I should have knocked before entering. Rhavan wants to see you Tama, at once.” She was visibly upset and choked back tears as she left the room.

”My you are quite a lover; I can see why Rhavan obsesses over you little one.” Tama said loudly enough for Fenya to hear.

“Well, well, well, looks as though someone else has feelings for our pet elf.”  Tama cackled.

I pushed Tama off me and went after my love. I could hear Fenya sobbing down the hall from her chambers. I pounded on her door, calling to her.

“Fenya please, nothing happened let me explain. Open the door, Fenya, open the door please.”

“You are just as Rhavan said you are! Go away! Leave me alone!” She cried.

      Her words cut through me like a sword. I pounded and pounded begging her but she never came to the door. Defeated and at a loss as to do I went back to my room. I shut myself away for the next few days. I didn’t know what to do to prove nothing happened. And I swore I would get even with Tama if it was the last thing I ever did. I would gladly accept death at Rhavan's hands for hers.




Madness or Reality


The Spring of 1712- After the attack from the brood and Rhavans constant beatings I felt very lost, I no longer knew what or who I was. My life was a living nightmare and had no idea why. The physical and mental abuse I dealt with on a daily basis took its toll. I tried desperately to do all that he expected of me but it never seemed good enough. I struggled with my lessons. I couldn’t seem to concentrate. Rhavan made me doubt everything I did. Every time I thought I did as I was instructed, he would change the rules again. It had been weeks since I was fed more than a glass of wine and a small loaf of bread once a day and it showed. I was thin and very pale. My eyes had turned a light blue and had a lost look about them. I was in constant pain and the cuts from the whippings were not healing. I felt as if I was always on edge. I never knew when I would get hit, yelled at or fed from next. Things between me and Fenya also were never the same after Tama’s little trick. We would speak but only when it was necessary. I yearned for her touch once again. To feel our bodies intertwined while we made love in a mad sexual frenzy. I did all I could to try and convince her nothing happened between Tama and I but she didn't believe me. 

Rhavan was also going through severe changes. My blood became an uncontrollable addiction for him. He began hearing strange whispers in his head. They were convincing him I was untrustworthy. I would steal his Coven away from him.  That he would never be able to control me.

“Keep him weak. Keep feeding, keep feeding.”  the voices would say.

Dreams of me consorting with both Fenya and Tama began to drive him mad. The images of my hands caressing their smooth white skin, their mouths latched onto my body as I allowed them to feed. One night these dreams woke him in in a cold sweat. Looking over he saw Tama sleeping soundly by his side. Still not convinced, he dressed and stormed down the hall to my room. The door to my room flung open with a crash as it hit the wall. Startled, I jumped up in my bed, as Rhavan stormed at me grabbing me by the throat.

“Where is she?” He growled as he sniffed the air around me.

“No one is in here but me Father.” I gasped. Eyes wide with terror.

He grabbed me by the hair and licked my neck. He sniffed in the air again and looked down at me with a death filled glare. 

“I know Fenya has been in your bed. I can smell her on you and in the air, you filthy little beast.” He threw me from the bed and stomped on my chest, knocking the air from me.

“Tama, she told me you took her by force! I told you not to touch her. She is not yours to take. You defiled her, took her against her will. I know you used those elf charms on her and clouded her judgment.”

“No Father! I swear on our Lord. I never!”

 He screamed at me as he dragged me down the hall towards the dungeon. He threw me down the cold marble stairs. I hit the bottom floor hard, hitting my head on the last step. Blood poured from the gash. I frantically tried to get to my feet but my legs were numb. My arm screamed with a sharp pain running through it. Blood flooded my eyes and blinded me from his oncoming attack. He grabbed me by the hair and dragged me across the dungeon floor. I struggled, but Rhavan had a tight grasp.

“Father, I...I’m sorry.”  I begged as I felt myself being thrown against something very sharp. Needles sunk into my skin impaling me to it. I cried out in agony as he closed me inside an Iron Maiden. 

“Cry out all you like Nienar. This is going to be your new home for a bit. I have to teach you yet another lesson. I can’t believe I can’t trust you. But then again coming from the race of elves that you do I really shouldn’t be all that surprised. I know Tama is lovely and very, very desirable, but she belongs to me. You will learn not to touch what does not belong to you.” He hissed at me through the eye slits.

“I never touched Tama! I never took her to my bed!” I yelled at him.

I watched as Rhavan walked out of the dungeon leaving me there to slowly bleed out inside this new coffin. My mind raced with fear. How did he find out? Tama. But nothing happened. Did she lie to him? Could she be that cruel? Yes was the answer, she was that cruel and I could hear her laughing at me in my head.  I couldn’t figure out for the life of me how he found out about Fenya taking to my bed. That had happened almost five months ago. I knew that if Rhavan ever found out I would be punished, but this was worse than anything I had experienced yet at his hands. I called out to Fenya in my mind, hoping she would hear. The pain finally took over and I could feel and think of nothing else. I tried all I could to free myself, but it just dug the needles deeper into my skin. I wanted to pass out but the blinding agony refused to let up. The passing hours felt like endless days. My cries of agony echoed throughout the dungeon. 

The cries from the dungeon became to much for Fenya and she ran down to free me from the endless torture. Just as she entered the candlelit room, Rhavan flew at her from the shadows. She screamed as he pinned her against the wall. 

“I knew it would be only a matter of time before you rushed down here to free your lover.”  He sneered at her.

“What is all of this for? He does not deserve this punishment! What has he done to warrant such anger from his maker? His Father.” she yelled at him in anger.

Rhavan backed away from her a step or two and looked at her with amusement. She had never displayed any type of anger or aggression before.

“I know you shared his bed. He took you and defiled you. Using his Svartálfar charms, possessing you to sleep with him. I can smell you on him. I know your scent because I made you. I’ve taken you enough times to know even the taste of salt in your orgasm”  Rhavan replied snidely.

“How dare you! How dare you do this to him? I went to him freely. I took to his bed all on my own, I seduced him. I wanted him. I wanted to taste him, to feel him inside me. It was unlike anything I ever had with you!”  She screamed at him.

Pushing past a very shocked Rhavan, she unlocked the Iron Maiden. I collapsed to the floor in a bloody heap. Fenya bent down to check how bad my wounds were, letting her guard down. Enraged by her behavior and disobedience he grabbed her hard by the arm and kicked me, rolling me onto my back. Grabbing my throat he screamed,

“What have you done to her Svartálfar! What spell do you have over my fledgling that makes her disobey me and talk back?” 

Weakly, looking him straight in the eyes, I answered with one word, “Love.”

Tears streamed down Fenya’s cheeks as she heard the word leave my lips. 

“Love? Love? You don't even know what the word means you ignorant little beast.”  He shouted at me.

“Do you love him? Do you?”

“Yes. I do love him. Please Rhavan don’t continue this punishment. I am lonely here. You have always had Tama, and use me as your dog. Nienar treats me with kindness and love. Things I have not had since you took me from my home and village as payment for my family’s debt to you. Have I not paid that debt to you over and over with you taking me whenever you feel the need, and to turn me into one of your kind is unforgivable. I have always obeyed you with the promise I would be free from you but you have insured that will never happen. Since the night you brought Nienar here he has done nothing but try to protect me from you. He continues to try and please you even with all your abuse. He has endured such humiliation and punishment from you that no creature ever deserves. You have done things to him you have never done to any of your other fledglings!”  She struggled against his hold as she yelled at him.

Not amused at all by this outburst he finally tired of her yelling and grabbed her by the throat, squeezing slowly as he spoke through clenched teeth. 

“You are MINE! You will always be mine. I will prove to you he doesn’t love. you. You know he took my Tama also.. He defiled her and THAT is unforgivable. I will show you how easily he will change his feelings for you once I’m done with him. You’re living in a fantasy to think a Svartálfar could ever love a human female. They are only out to get what they want and are willing to sacrifice all that stands in their way.”

Rhavan shoved her to the floor, grabbed me up and dragged me over to a large vat filled with liquid. He picked me up and threw me in. The shock of the freezing water jolted me back to my senses. I frantically tried to tread water but couldn’t keep my head above it. He reached in grabbing me by the hair.

“How do you like it Nienar? Is it cold enough for you?” 

He dunked my head underwater for a few seconds, and then brought me back to the surface. I panicked as I gasped for air. 

“So how much do you love Fenya, Svartálfar? You don’t even know what the word is, ignorant elf.” 

He shoved me under again. Pulling me out again I choked up a lung full of water gasping to breathe and went under once more. The familiar darkness began to take over as all sound muffled. My limbs were numb and heavy and I just couldn’t fight any longer. I let go of him and let myself float.

When I came to, I found myself chained to a wall in the dungeon like a dog. My arm was broken, the bone poked through the skin. The pain was pretty bad and pretty gross to look at in my opinion.  My legs were numb and I had a strange ringing in my ears. As the weeks passed, my arm and the rest of my wounds became very infected and my body raged with fever. It became so unbearable I literally gave up.  Fenya cried out for me and as much as I needed her desperately I would not answer. I could feel her heart breaking for me. Eventually Fenya could no longer stay away. She snuck down to the chamber where I was being kept. She gasped when she saw me. I must have looked pretty bad because she broke down into hysterics and held onto me.  I was so weak I couldn't even lift my good arm to hold her with. She laid next to me and we just looked into each other's eyes until we drifted off to sleep.

A wicked growl echoed through the cell as Rhavan stormed into the chamber awakening us. There he saw Fenya and I embracing as we slept. Furious, he pulled her away and pinned me to the floor with his boot against my throat. 

“Listen you little shit. I made you, and you will do as I say.” He turned and slapped Fenya hard across the face, knocking her to the floor. 

“How dare you!  If I ever catch you together again I will kill you both.” He roared at her. 

He grabbed the whip from his belt and began to beat me savagely with it. All I could do was roll over onto my stomach, letting my back take the brunt of the beating, but it was getting the better of me. Fenya cried out for Rhavan to stop, which just fueled his anger even more. He dragged us both into the dungeon. Fenya begged him not to bring her in there. Her fear turned to terror when she saw the new torture devices. She started screaming hysterically as he shackled her to the wall. He picked me up and tied me to a standing rack. There he continued his torture upon me. He found a nasty looking piece of cane.  I heard a whistling through the air, then a sickening loud ‘whack, as it felt like the skin was being torn from my bones. 

“Father, in whom mercy is endless and the treasury of compassion inexhaustible, look kindly upon us and increase Your mercy in us, please, mercy.”  I cried out, begging him to stop. 

He paused and pulled me by the hair, “You listen to me Svartálfar, and listen good, I want to do nothing more than to kill you right now. You soiled my property. You desecrated her again and now I have to cleanse her of your rotten seed. But first I will make you suffer a little bit longer.” and he continued on with his fun. 

Blood dripped down my body from the caning. I was able to connect with Fenya for only a moment. I said to her not to give him her tears and not to cry for me, then passed out.  Fenya’s screams brought me out of my unconsciousness.  As he climbed on top of her he pawed at her delicate body roughly as he began to violate her with his fingers inside her. She tried to cry out, but he shoved a glove into her mouth. Anger began to swell in me I had never felt before. Watching him violate her, I began to repeat her name over and over in my head. Suddenly her body began to glow. Rhavan's hand began to burn as he tried to keep fondling her. The glowing grew brighter until she was entirely engulfed by a white light. I had no clue what I was doing, but whatever it was, it was working. He turned around to see me focusing on her. I smiled defiantly at him and mouthed the word 'mine' as the last bit of my strength flickered. This infuriated him and he took out his stiletto from his boot sheath and stormed towards me. He ran it down along my arms splitting the veins wide open.  He slammed the blade hard against the rack and licked the tears on my cheeks. I could feel myself losing consciousness once again as my heart began to slow. My breathing became smothered and shallow.  I hung there as my life force seeped from my body onto the floor beneath my feet. I fought to stay conscious as Rhavan redressed himself then untied Fenya and threw his overcoat at her. 

“Dress your self whore. I will expect you cleaned and ready for me in my chambers, is that understood.” he said leading her by the arm to the door. 

Just as she reached the door, the glint of another blade sticking out his belt caught her eye. With the reflexes only a vampire can possess she grabbed the stiletto and plunged it deep into his chest. He looked at her in shock, then at the blade sticking out of his chest. He collapsed to the floor struggling to remove the blade.  I looked at her in shock.  I couldn’t believe what she just did to him. She cut me down and we both disappeared into the mist. We reappeared in Rhavan’s room. She tore up one of his shirts to stop the bleeding from the gashes in my arms.  I must have been fading in and out because I remember her saying,

“Nienar, honey, please wake up.” She was panicking. 

I stirred slightly, barely opening my eyes as she struggled to dress me in fine clothing and a light leather armor chest piece. Seems she had the clothing stashed in behind a panel in his chambers. She had been planning for just the right moment to get up the courage to defy her maker. She ran over to the bed and dressed herself in his finest. She took me up in her arms just as he slammed against the door. We disappeared again into the misty fog.

Feeling a tugging on my arm, I awoke to Fenya looking down at me. I had no clue about what was happening. She tore into her wrist letting the blood pour into my mouth and down my throat. Her blood was so sweet. Nothing like Rhavan's bitter tasting blood. I took her wrist gently and fed from her. I didn't get sick from her blood the way I would from Rhavans.  I looked at her confused and in shock as my wounds began to close and heal. 

“He lied to you Nienar. You do not need his blood to survive. You can feed from any creature, even animals if you choose.” she said calmly, taking my hand in hers. 

“The reason you responded to my blood unlike you do with Rhavan's is because I too am elven, well actually a little bit elven. My great grandmother was from a small tribe of wood elves. We have special magical gifts that humans do not. That is why you could always heal quicker. You will not have the same craving for blood as the human vampires either. We can survive longer on less. We are a delicacy to them. Our blood is addictive and can drive them insane. But there is something truly different about you Nienar. Rhavan tried numerous times to kill you and you always survived. He knows how to destroy his fledglings but yet you never perished. Now that I have drank your blood and you have drank mine we will forever be connected.” She looked up at me with very sad eyes and continued.

“We have to part ways, my love. He will want his revenge on you for our love. If we stay together he will never stop hunting. If I go back hopefully he will leave you be. It breaks my heart to leave you, with you knowing so little about the curse you will carry till your dying days. Go learn the ways of the world Nienar. Go live life for the both of us my beloved.” 

Tears flooded our eyes. I wiped them from her cheeks and nodded that I understood.  But I really didn’t. I couldn’t bear to let her go. We embraced and kissed deep and long holding onto the moment as long as we could. I closed my eyes for only a moment and she was gone. I had never felt so alone in all my life as I did in that moment. I stood there for what felt like forever deciding what to do. I finally took a deep breath, picked a direction and started walking. As I walked on suddenly it dawned on me I wasn’t anywhere near the castle. My heart pounded with both fear and excitement. To be free of Rhavan was a dream I thought would never come true. But at the same time it broke my heart to not have Fenya by my side taking the journey with me. 




A New Life with House Acnar


Summer 1712- After a full day of travel, I needed to rest for a while. I sat down against a tree and took off the heavy long coat and leather breastplate Fenya dressed me in. I took a better look at it. The leather had sharp steel points all over front and at the bottom it had a heart in leather. It was the most beautiful piece I had ever seen. It was the same armor I wore when we dealt with Queen Mitzeri.  My thoughts drifted back to Fenya, how I yearned for her. The inside had the word ‘Heartbreaker’, written on it. Placing it down besides me as I leaned back against the tree. I began to feel very groggy.  Closing my eyes I quickly dozed off with dreams of my love filling my mind.

Very early the following morning I awoke to a sword at my throat. Standing above me stood seven creatures in full armor. They weren’t human. I could sense that much right away but I didn’t know the race. The tallest, whose name I would come to learn was Maelstrom, reached down and snatched up the armor. He was a dark skinned creature with horns and a devilish face. His eyes blazed with a fiery, yellow, glow. He snarled at me flashing his fangs. I hissed back at the black skinned creature, reaching to grab back my only worldly possession.  Maelstrom hit me in the head with the butt of his sword, splitting my forehead wide open. I slumped back against the tree dazed. Maelstrom bent down to face me eye to eye. 

“Where did you get this armor?”  He growled at me in a strange demon language.

I just stared back at him coldly. Maelstrom stood up and ran his sword through my left arm. 

“Where did you get this armor boy?”  

He ordered two of his men to pull me up to my feet. He came in a bit closer. I could tell he began to notice that there was something different about me. His rough fingers brushed over the scars of where the tips of my ears once were.

“I will ask only one more time, you filthy stinking Svartálfar, where did you find this armor.”  he growled in Svartálfarian. 

He grabbed a blade from one of his men, and put it to my throat. “Even if you try to hide your true identity by cutting the tips of your ears off to try and pass as Human, I can smell the musty dirt on you boy and you are a far way from home.  I truly hate your kind and I will make you pay for being born if you do not answer me correctly this time. Now, one last time, where did you get this armor?”  

A wicked evil smile came across his face. I just stared at him with smoldering eyes.

“Take him back to camp. We are going to have some fun.” Maelstrom ordered. 

I tried to fight them off,  but I was weak from the travel and lack of nourishment. When they got me back to the camp, Maelstrom ordered that I be tied to a pole in the center. He told his right hand man, Sirhc, to have me worked over a bit until he decided what to do with me. I was in and out of consciousness over the next several hours as they took turns trying to beat answers out of me. I would not give these creatures the satisfaction.

I’m not sure how long I had been tied to that pole when I saw Maelstrom approaching with another being whose name was Apocalypse. He looked human but there was a darkness surrounding him. He was about 5’8”, stout build, black hair, black eyes and suntanned skin. A demon created from twelve souls. The creature lifted my head, staring me in the eyes. I felt an incredible pulling at my mind. I desperately tried to look away but I couldn’t. This creature was way too powerful. A voice spoke to me in my head.

“Who are you? 

“Nobody.” I said hoarsely out loud.

“What is your name boy?” he asked again, a bit more forceful.

I struggled not to answer but the words escaped my lips. “Mourn. The armor was given to me”. 

Fearing they were working for either Rhavan or my Mother I did not dare tell them my last name.

“Are  you the Svartálfar they are willing to pay any price to have back?” Apocalypse said to me silently. My eyes went wide and a pang of panic hit my chest hard. My mind swam, who wanted me? Who would pay any price to have me back? Was it Clan Tazbbár, Clan Mitzeri, or Rhavan? Would he even know who to go to, to hire these creatures.  Everything suddenly became very overwhelming, I heard the words, “Let me go or kill me.”  leave my lips.

“Bring me the armor you found and untie him.” Apocalypse ordered Sirhc.

“Aw come on. I was having fun.” Maelstrom snickered, spitting on me.

My anger boiled over towards this demon. I waited until I was loose and with every last bit of strength I could muster, I focused all my anger at him. A burst of energy shot from my hand, hitting Maelstrom square in the chest. I looked at my hand and then at the demon in shock. I had never studied a spell in my life but I knew what to do. It was all instinct. It burned through Maelstrom's shirt and into his skin. He grabbed Sirhc’s sword and took a lethal swing at my head. I dropped to the ground before the blow hit. He geared up to take another swing at me, Apocalypse, grabbed him as he was brought the armor they found me with. A look of recognition came across his face.

“How dare you!” He hissed at him for interfering.

“Maelstrom, not this one!” He yelled at him.

Apocalypse grabbed my hair and looked me in the eyes again. I didn't struggle because I knew he wasn't going to harm me. I could sense it.

“I believe this boy to be the son of Rideau de Loppendell.  He does look a bit like him now that I have gotten a better look at him. You know all that he had done for Slayer and the Horde.” Apocalypse answered him back sternly. 

I was stunned to think that this creature knew of my father. I began to trust more in my gut feelings about why Fenya gave me the armor. She knew a lot more than she let on about who I was. Questions began to flood my mind. Why did she not tell me? Perhaps in time I would stir up the courage to ask Apocalypse. I was just too spent to ask then.

Maelstrom fuming, stormed off deep into the woods, vowing to get even with Apocalypse for interfering. He just laughed at him as he helped me up off the ground. He instructed for me to be brought to an empty tent, fed and allowed to rest. Next to Fenya it was the first bit of kindness I had received in my new surroundings.

As dawn approached, I woke from a rough night of horrible dreams. I could feel the tortures Rhavan was putting Fenya through. She said we would always be connected but this was a lot to bear. I did my best to put it to the back of my mind. There was nothing I could do. Going back and trying to save her would do neither of us any good. But, someday, I would go back and take my revenge. I dressed and went to help break down the camp. 

Apocalypse suggested that it would be safer for me to come with them back to their home, House Acnar.  Since I really had nowhere else to go I accepted the offer. As we traveled through the rough terrine I held my own but the heat from the sun seemed to sap all my energy. I would learn later that although unique, but not uncommon, I could withstand the sun but it would cause me issues on really hot sunny days. I was what vampire society refers to as a 'Daywalker'.  Suddenly a sharp pain hit my chest. When I looked down there was nothing there. Looking towards the direction I believed it came from I saw a figure disappear behind a grouping of trees. They were gone in a flash. At that same moment Apocalypse dropped to his knees clutching his chest. Maelstrom got to him first. I was right next to him. Apocalypse spoke to him weakly.

” Take the boy to Slayer. I believe with all my being he is Rideaus' son. The armor belongs to him. I warn you now demon, anything happens to him, Slayer will make you pay dearly. We owe his father a great debt. Keep him safe with your life! “

I felt a horrible strangling feeling in my heart as I watched Apocalypse die. We searched the area frantically to find the assassin but there was nothing, not even footprints in the dirt. As we walked on I thought to myself of what I was heading towards. I had so many questions, and Apocalypse seemed to be the one who had those answers.  Now I was now left in the care of a being that would kill me the first chance he could. 

Maelstrom did as he was instructed to do. He brought me back to House Acnar, which was located just outside Moldjord, Norway. It took us close to a month traveling by foot and ferry. Maelstrom made us march fourteen hours a day, allowing very little rest along the way. Upon our arrival, the head of the Dragon Horde and House Acnar, Slayer, was informed of Apocalypse’s passing. He was deeply saddened to hear what happened to him since he was his second in command and closest confidant. Apocalypse was also leader of the Dragon Horde army and the house blacksmith and created mystical enchanted weapons. Slayer was a dragonkin who passed as human. Blonde hair, yellow eyes, slight build of 5’9” and deep tanned skin. Not only was he our leader, but the crafter of all of our magickal armor. Including the piece Fenya sent me into the world wearing.

I was given shelter and worked hard for my room and board. Since I resembled a young teen at the time, I was put to work in the house kitchen since I had no real fighting experience. The days were long, but I didn't mind it so much. Cleaning the kitchen, washing dishes, helping with all food prep, so on and so forth.  After about a year with them, I was placed under Maelstroms tutelage and his scouting party. They were in charge of locating lost items created by Slayer and Apocalypse to prevent them from landing in the hands of humans. Slayer felt it was time for me to start my training as one of his soldiers. He seemed to have taken a shine to me and because of who they believed to be my father, felt I was trustworthy enough to be part of his army. Maelstrom liked pulling energy from me like some psychic vampire, leaving just enough to function day to day. Seeing what I could do magically untrained he made sure I couldn't use my magic at all. I was told to never use it in battle. It would draw too much attention to myself and the others since those we attacked were human. He was a hard Master to serve. The head games with this creature were much different than those of Rhavan. It was more of a tug of war over my will. I never feared Maelstrom, I despised him. Keeping my mind in a fog he found was the best way to keep control over me. The only time he allowed me to be at full strength was when we went into battle, which was fine by me.  I was always left to fend for myself and I always struck all down with very little harm if any to myself. I would just fight the way I watched the Svartalfar warriors did in their drills.

I tried my best to hide my vampirism from my mentor Slayer. He had a very strong dislike for them and I feared if he ever found out I would be banished from my new home. It was not easy keeping secrets from him. He was wise and knew things were not well with me and Maelstrom. He noticed how sickly I always looked in his company. I had become thin with almost an ashy gray complexion. Slayer had heard rumors of the control Maelstrom had over me I’m sure, but could not prove without a doubt he was doing it. I never spoke a word of it to anyone at House Acnar. So, in retaliation, Slayer taught me how to fight without a weapon. He was a very strict teacher and I had my ass handed to me more times than I can count sparring with him, but I was thankful for the time he took to show me how to overcome the hard battles and struggles. He said to me when he first started training me, “Some may have the upper hand at this time in your life my boy, but one day, it will all change. ”

Slayer would give me the tools and guidance to one day break free. I was an exceptional student and learned very quickly. There was a vast library where I was able to read and learn English and spent endless hours practicing sword fighting. I loved the feel of the scimitars in my hands and the way they sang through the air. It was noticed by all in the household how fluid my movements had become. My opponents never had a chance. In battle it was the only time I truly felt free, a place to release my anger and frustration of the life I had under Maelstroms thumb. And although I no longer practiced Christianity as Rhavan had taught me, I did say a prayer for Fenya every night.





The Test and Betrayal


It was in the early fall 1717, on a particularly cold, rainy day, that I was summoned to Slayer's War room.  I assumed it was going to be nothing more than another scouting party. As I approached him, he had a very stern look on his face. This made me feel a bit uneasy. I walked in and knelt before him, bowing my head.

“I need to know that you are loyal to my household, Svartálfar. You must bring back the head of one called Carnivore. If you fail, do not come back.” Slayer instructed sternly.

Handing me a map he dismissed me from his presence. I was really confused by Slayer's sudden lack of trust towards me had me rattled, but not deterred, I went as I ordered. When I left House Acnar I slowly grew more angry about the quest. I had been part of the household for over four years and had given no reason to cause mistrust. So why was my loyalty questioned all of a sudden. Putting it to the back of my mind the best I could, I followed the map towards Carnivore’s lair. It took several days to travel to reach the area. It was near nightfall when I could sense the vile creature. My sharp hearing heard footsteps running up behind me but before I could react all went dark.

My head pounded as I found my hands tied to a wall. The smell of decay was nauseating. Something came at me from out of the darkness and grabbed me by the throat. 

”Apocalypse!” It growled.

“I believe you are sorely mistaken. I hate to disappoint you but he I am not.”  

It stepped back and caught me across the face with its claws. I winced at the incredible pain of it. Blood dripped from the cuts off chin. The creature was a half lizard half Minotaur. It licked up the blood on the floor and the blood on my face, not to waste anything edible I’m sure. The stench of his breath was sickening. Wanting to taste more sweet blood, the creature’s claws ripped through my armor with ease and sliced deep into my skin. I spoke a spell at the vile beast knocking him to the floor. It struggled to its feet and charged at me crashing all its weight against my body and the wall. It felt like all every bone in my chest shattered. 

“Where Apocalypse!”

“Dead.” I gasped.

"NOT DEAD! LIVE! I FEEL!!! WHERE!" Again, he tore through my armor with his claws.

Suddenly an image of Apocalypse flashed in my mind. A voice said, "Kill him. Release my soul."  I finally had the answer to Slayers quest, Apocalypse's revival depended on me succeeding.  In order for him to return to our world, I had to destroy this creature for him. It couldn't have been left to anyone else because Slayer trusted no one else. I knew I had to make my move soon or this vile beast would rip me to shreds and my brother would have no chance. Spells flooded my mind.

"Okay, okay, I’ll tell you where you can find him. Come closer."  I whispered.

As the beast came close I reached out and touched him with my finger. In an instant, Carnivore’s limbs turned into a big black spider. It started to eat its scaly flesh. Using my own blood I wriggled my wrists out of the binds. Carnivore bit off the infected limb and frantically searched his cave for me. I snuck up behind the beast and with one blow from my sword, severed its head from its body. It never really had a chance. He had just caught me off guard. I slumped back against the cold cave wall, I was in bad shape. Knowing I only had seconds to feed from the beast before the blood was no good reluctantly I caught a handful and gagged it down. It was the vilest thing I had ever tasted next to Rhavans rancid blood. I fell back against the wall again and rested as I felt my strength rush back into my broken body. My ribs and deep cuts began to heal. After about an hour of resting I felt strong enough to start the long trip back. I was still in bad shape, but wanted to get back to House Acnar. 

I started my journey home with the head of Carnivore hidden in my gear. After realizing Apocalypse was still alive, I decided to travel back as quickly as I could. Although I was enjoying the freedom out from under Maelstroms thumb, away from Slayers strict teachings,  I was really hurting and just wanted to get home. I continued through the deep forest terrain for three days.  It was early morning when I reached Moldjord. As I neared the compound of House Acnar, suddenly, a sickening odor overwhelmed my senses. It smelled of decaying flesh. I felt a presence behind me. Something called my name in the breeze that swirled around me and yet no one was there.  I drew one of my scimitars and cautiously walked slowly. The lack of birds chirping in the trees gave the scene a bit more of an eerie aura. I was about a half mile away from home when  I felt a very strong familiar presence behind me. Resting on my skills I swung my scimitar over my head, and as I turned I was greeted by Rhavan and Tama. He had stepped away just in time to miss my sword. My footing became unsure as I stumbled back away from them slowly. I was in shock. How did they find me here, of all places. How would they know I'd be traveling these woods? My knees felt weak as I tried to calm the terror in my heart.  It had been over four years since I escaped his tortures. He looked sickly and older than I remember. Tama also looked very tired and worn down. I wanted to kill them both but I became frozen in my tracts. I was afraid of nothing at that point in my life until he popped back in it. I thought I had gotten past my fear of him. I guess I was greatly mistaken. My head began to throb to the point I had trouble focusing. 

“Hello there Nienar.” He hissed at me as he lunged, knocking me hard against a tree. I dropped the scimitar as I hit. 

“You’re not looking so well my little fledgling.”    

Immense anger flashed across his face as he stared into my fearful eyes. He picked up the scimitar from the ground and plunged it through my gut deep into the tree. I howled out in pain. Twisting it deeper Rhavan growled and latched onto my neck, feeding greedily. I was paralyzed. My mind was going blank, I couldn’t think of any spells, all my will leaving me. My feet were barely dangling off  the ground. I struggled to support myself on my toes. Tama smiled and latched onto my wrist feeding greedily from the last bit of life in me. Rhavan stepped back from me and spoke, 

“I will always know where you are, what you’re doing, where you must return to. You are my fledgling, I am your Sire. I told you, you will NEVER be able to escape me. I own you!  Should I leave you here to let the Fates have their way with you? Let the animals of the forest tear you apart as I watch or do I bring you home now with us?” He laughed as his youthful face was once again restored. 

Tama also turned back to her cold beautiful self. Heavy footsteps could be heard approaching where we were. 

“Sadly, our little reunion must end for we are about to be interrupted. You may have escaped me this time, but we will see each other again soon my boy, very, very, soon.” looking back at me, he smiled and disappeared quickly into the woods.

I’m not sure how I was able to pull myself free of the tree, letting out a howl, as I pulled the blade from my gut. I collapsed to the ground bleeding out. The footsteps rustling in the leaves came closer. Was it the creatures Rhavan spoke about, come to torture me? Was it wild beasts come to tear me apart? As the steps came closer, I attempted to drag myself into the underbrush. A hand grabbed my ankle and dragged me back towards the tree. Flipping me onto my back a large foot pressed me to the ground. Looking up, I saw the boot belonged to Maelstrom.  

“Well, what do we have here? Looks like you need a bit of help there youngin’.” He snickered as he bent down to get a better look at my wounds.

“Looks as though  you have been through some shit. And it seems someone had you for a snack as well.”  Noticing the bite marks on my neck and wrist.

All I could do was grab onto him. Maelstrom was the last being I wanted to see at that moment but I was in really bad shape. Maelstrom looked down at me and said,

“Look, I’m not going to do anything to harm you. You are worth more to me alive.” 

This comment worried me, but I  just wanted to concentrate on surviving the attack from Rhavan. Maelstrom picked me, my scimitar, Carnivore’s head in a sack, and brought me back to House Acnar where I was stitched up and left to recover from my wounds. Slayer was extremely pleased I had succeeded in the task he set me out on.

Over the next few days as I recovered I thought I could hear Fenya calling to me at night. I wanted to go to her, to be with her, to save her from him. She was close, and so was he. I could feel his presence, watching me from the shadows that others couldn’t see. The nightmares were back and more lifelike than ever. I became a bundle of nerves. As soon as he felt I was strong enough to travel, Maelstrom suggested that we all go to a tavern he knew of close by to blow off some steam.

"I know the owner. We can get all the drinks we want and not pay. Plus they have some real beauties we can play with.  You have been through a lot lately, and, well I figure we could all use a little fun.” He said. 

Something didn’t feel right to me. He was being a bit too nice, but I went anyway. We walked in and found a table out of the way. After sitting there for about two hours and getting a good buzz on, I noticed a terrified look come across my fellow scouting party members. My back was to the door, so I didn’t see the danger coming up behind me, big mistake in retrospect. That strangling feeling in my heart was back. I looked at Maelstrom nervously, noticing the evil grin on his face.

"Now you get yours you little shit.” he stood up and turned his back to me.

I rose to my feet but was immediately grabbed from behind. The familiar smell of Svartálfaheimr filled my senses. I fought to get loose. One by one, each of my fellow party members got up, turned their backs on me and walked out the door. The captain of the guard threw Maelstrom a pouch full of coins.

“I told you that you were worth more to me alive, Svartálfar.” He snickered as he counted the coins.

I shook my head feverishly. No words would come out of my mouth, I just stood there, staring in disbelief. "Dead Elf Tavern"  burned into my memory along with Maelstrom's last words to me. Why didn't it click before we walked in? 

"Your Mother will be very pleased when she hears of your capture.”  The Svartálfar scouting leader said, knocking me out.






It was now late Fall 1717. I awoke and tried to move but found that I was shackled to the cell wall.  No one would be coming for me. My new family, my so-called "brothers" all turned their back on me. After four years of loyalty, sweat, and blood for the Dragon Horde, I was convinced at that moment that I was set up from the moment Slayer sent me on the quest for Carnivore. Such anger began to swell inside me.

“Welcome home son.” My mother's voice came from the doorway.  

“Did you really think you would escape us?” She snarled at me.

"I'm going to make you pay for the death of my beloved daughter Finnandra. I will make you pay for the fall of  Clan Tazbbár from Hel's eyes and praise. You will endure pain unlike any creature known, and it will not end quickly. I promise you that Nienar."

She kept that promise and over the next few weeks I was put through unheard of tortures. I was brought down to the abyssal layers controlled by demons, where they poisoned me, Then drained me of almost all of my blood until I was almost dead to see how I healed without feeding, very much in the same way Rhavan would. The Priestesses would unleash spells at me to see how much pain I could endure. Forced to stay awake for days without food or drink. Everyday I prayed for death.





Escape through the Svartálfaheimr


In the early winter of 1717 the day of my execution finally came. I actually welcomed it. I had been trapped in that hell for over a month. They stripped me down, cleansed, and purified me. My skin felt as if it was on fire, but I wouldn't give in. They redressed me in long white robes for the ceremony. I was placed on the altar of Hel. I closed my eyes as the High Priestess began to speak. With each word she spoke, the more the pain grew. As the minutes passed the pain progressed into the feeling of a creature trying to tear its way out of my body, desperately trying to escape. It was then I realized they were trying to turn me into a Drider. A half Svartálfar and half spider. I could no longer hold back my cries of agony which brought great enjoyment to my mother. Suddenly a voice spoke to me telepathically. ”Fight back, now.” I recognized the voice.  It was do or die. Knowing I might just have a chance to live, I began to cast any spells that came to mind. Small little flashes began to fill the room, a spell the youngest of Svartálfar could do. The High Priestess saw this and immediately began to panic and tried to stop me. I laughed weakly at her because she was frantic over such a measly spell. A mist began to flood out from under the door, from this arose a half Minotaur half lizard creature. I stopped laughing and froze, it was Carnivore. In a panic, the High Priestess began to repeatedly stab me in the chest because she thought I had summoned the creature. Blood flooded my lungs as she continued to stab me. This angered the creature and it grabbed her, sinking its sharp claws into her back, pulling the spine from her body. With spine in hand, it began to beat the nearest guard with it. More guards rushed into the chamber, causing the creature to rampage. The room soon filled with flying limbs, organs, and blood as they flooded in. Once the carnage was over the creature began to change form. I managed to roll myself onto the floor and around to the other side of the altar to get out of the creature's sight. Gasping for breath, I began to cough up the blood flooding my lungs. The creature found me and I truly believed at that moment I was fucked. Sensing that I was having a hard time, it picked up a chalice and filled it with blood from one of the dying guards.

“Drink.”  It said to me.

I stared at the creature as I drank it all down. Within moments, my chest wounds began to heal. The blood was so warm and sweet tasty and I didn't get sick after drinking it. The creature began to change it's form once again. It was Apocalypse! I gave him a huge hug.  I thought he was dead and how did he figure out about me being a vampire. I was completely confused now. I thought I kept it well hidden. He looked at me and smiled.

“Elves don’t have canines, and you have fangs.” He laughed and grabbed me up and took off out of the room. 

Apocalypse could sense there were more guards coming. Knowing that the Svartálfars would most likely start their search closer to the surface, Apocalypse and I went deeper into the Scandinavian mountains. We grabbed weapons from the dead guards and started our long trek home.

The trail of winding cracks and crevasses leading down into the bowls of the underworld are dangerous and deadly. Apocalypse knew that taking them in complete darkness was the only way he would be able to test my survival tactics under the threat of death. He knew I had been through a lot and was weak, but it was now or never to escape and prove myself as my father’s son. I stumbled and fell hard against the cold slimy rock walls. I slumped down and looked at the wound in my chest, it was bleeding again, badly. I was having issues catching my breath. He placed his hands over the puncture wounds in my chest as a small light seeped out of Apocalypse's hands. I felt the pain begin to subside. My energy came back enough and I felt strong enough to continue on.

The test was about to begin. The stench of death lay all around us, a familiar scent in that part of the Svartálfaheimr. Only the Talie maggots gave off such an ominous scent. The Maggots hunted by sight only and in the dark, the glimmer of the liquid on the eye is enough to make them attack. He grabbed a long root he found and tied it around both our waists so as to not get separated in the darkness.

Apocalypse whispered "Keep your eyes shut! Trust only your ears and other senses.” The rocks were damp and slimy, some had mold growing on them causing footing to become slippery. Apocalypse knew I could not fight off whatever was leaving the slime on the rocks. We had to change paths soon or face something without warning. We traveled for some time without incident. My hand touched something on the wall that made me stop dead in my tracks. I tugged three times on the root and began to pull Apocalypse along until he felt a wall of carved stone. Decorative carvings were cut deep and precise. It was a warning to trespassers. "The unsacred will feed the...'' The wall was cracked and could not be read any further. Taking Apocalypse's hand, I placed it on the wall so he could read the partial warning. As his fingers brushed against what seemed to be stone, it rippled like water and started to drip quickly. We couldn't pull away fast enough. The stone turned into a wall of water that overcame us and swept us away. Turning and gasping for air we were bounced against the jagged walls of the cavern, until we felt ourselves falling. In a moment of panic, I unleashed an uncontrolled spell, releasing an ice blast. Ice, snow, and cold wind swirled around us. We continued to fall three fathoms landing on a hard surface. We both laid there a few moments trying to catch our breath and collect our senses. My whole body ached. I just wanted to lay there and sleep. I really was unsure how much longer I could go on like this.

Looking down to see what broke our fall, the shapes of about a dozen maggots were in the water below. Only a sheet of ice separated them from us. Apocalypse knew we had little time before the maggots broke through the ice. He tore off a swatch of cloth from his cloak and lit it with a fire spell. Grabbing  me up by the arm, we took off down the corridors of twisting rock. The sounds of the horns from the Svartálfar soldiers could be heard above us from where we fell. They had seen the fire light in the tunnel and were headed right towards the maggots. By the time they reached the cavern, the Maggots were free and slaughtering the soldiers. Their screams echoed through the tunnels.

Apocalypse and I worked our way on through the caverns in the dark for two more days. The few provisions Apocalypse had were gone and none were in site. I was still struggling and letting loose magic I had no control over.  It never happened before, other than the one time back at Rhavan's castle.  I had no idea how to make it stop either. Apocalypse believed it had something to do with all the magical energy that I had absorbed while being tortured. We had to find some provisions soon. In my current state Apocalypse believed I could not survive his blood. The venom from the spiders, dragons, and serpents coursed through his veins. The effects could be disastrous.  It was time to hunt for food. We had been sticking to the smaller caverns to avoid whatever the maggots grew into. The choice of battle or starvation was not debated. The first large passage we came to there was a slight scent of death and the walls were damp. We were on the right path but needed to progress with caution.  

Five hundred fathoms down into the large chasm we came upon what was once a goblin war party. The bones were all crushed. The tell-tale signs of the Goblin scalped trophies were the only way we knew. Not much was left, the armor had been crumpled like parchment paper, and shields were shattered.  

"This was a mistake, it looked like two hundred goblin warriors met their fates in a rather horrid way. Not that the loss of a goblin is much, but whatever did this we are not about to be it’s dinner.” Apocalypse spoke up. 

Stepping back over the bones and trying not to make noise was not easy. There were small bones everywhere and pieces of broken spears and bows littered the floor. Suddenly what we feared happened. A breath, like the bellows of Hephaestus flowed over our bodies, though our clothes, a chill seeped through us down to the bone. It was close but we did not sense it getting closer.  

"It may not know we are here."  I thought to myself.

I had just cleared the bone field when we felt the next breath. We had gone the wrong way. Crossing back across the bone field would be a high risk. Stepping on a bone or knocking over a rock could attract attention. It was now or never, to proceed with the hunt. Apocalypse took the heads of two broken spears, one in each hand and took the lead. I followed with a half a shield and a Scimitar. We clung closely to the walls rounding each corner carefully until we noticed what we were looking for was above us. I stopped and stood in amazement, then Apocalypse saw it. It clung to the ceiling of the cavern and stretched out twenty feet. It had a worm-like body and an upper torso with insect-like qualities. The mouth dripped with slime lay opened between row after row of claws. Its hide was thicker than the spearheads. It was best to use the swords. A moment passed and another breath filled the cavern. The stench erased all sense of hunger we had. If we attacked it with magic, we ran the risk of having it fall from the ceiling, crushing us or creating a cave in. We would have to face it head on while on the same level. Apocalypse sent me ahead to create some noise to wake the beast. For once, its poisoned blood would do ua some good. Drawing enough to coat the tip of our blades was the only chance. When the time was right I began banging the scimitar against the half shield.  It was enough to wake the beast. As it dropped to the ground, the cave shook and rocks fell from the ceiling. Apocalypse dove for it's mouth to try to hit the soft tissue surrounding the teeth and claws. He missed and was knocked down between two large rocks. The creature continued on towards me. It's body rolling over the rocks on either side of Apocalypse put him into darkness. Lighting his own clothes on fire gave him enough light to see the weak point in the beast’s body. It was male. He held the sword covered with venomous blood up and the creature's genitals rammed right into it. It bucked and screamed crushing the rocks on either side of Apocalypse and pinning him down with his clothes still on fire. I was still in the path of the creature. I readied myself for a losing battle. The creature thrashed from wall to wall violently but still proceeded forward. Rocks were being knocked loose and tossed about. Just as the creature got within striking distance it pulled up its head to attack and impaled itself on a stalactite. I swung at the creatures exposed underside. Pulling back from the wound, it ripped the rocky spike from the roof of the cavern still embedded in the skull. Crashing almost on top of me, it sent me back against the wall, rendering me unconscious. The creature was dead.

My head spun as I came to. I was in front of the beast's mouth covered in its blood and slime. I still had the wind knocked out of me but shook it off quickly. Frantically I looked around for Apocalypse for some time before noticing the light trail of smoke coming from under the creature. By the time I got to the area where the smoke was coming from it had turned into a blaze. The creature, bones of fallen Svartálfar soldiers, armor, and weapons lay about in fire.  

From a slight distance I watched the fire but did not see Apocalypse. “Great, here I am lost in the Svartálfaheimr alone.”  I thought to myself.  But this time deep in territory that was inhabited by creatures of a terrifying nature. I was still dizzy from the battle and lay my head down. I couldn't sleep but needed to close my eyes to stop the room from spinning. I wondered if it was safe to start up again towards the surface or should continue heading down to avoid Svartálfar patrols. Out of nowhere my eyelids began to glow. As I tried to stagger back from whatever was in front of me, I tripped backwards over the remains of a goblin skull pile. When I was able to regain focus and compose myself, I recognized Apocalypse. Still smoldering standing before me calm as if nothing was wrong. The flames slowly burned themselves out and not a scorch mark was left.  Helping me up off the goblin skull piles, snickering, said he would explain over dinner. Cutting one of the claws off the beast with rusted goblin swords was work but hunger had the priority. Cooked over an open flame the meat tasted like crab. It took a bit before I could bring myself to eat some but at this point, anything would fill my stomach. As we sat and ate, he explained to me why Carnivore needed to die.

“When I was created in the lower realms, they used thirteen souls. If any one of my soul is taken from me, I will in a sense, die. I knew when I got hit with that arrow Maelstrom was behind it and who put out the bounty. Slayer knew as well. You were the only one worthy and trusted enough to complete the task of taking him down. Thank you Mourn for saving me and giving me back my life. I will spend the rest of my days repaying you.” Patting me on the back enduringly. After the meal, my belly was full but a familiar craving was still there. 

After we ate our fill, we quickly grabbed armor and cloaks to disguise ourselves.

We stopped suddenly when a groan came from the decaying body of the creature. It wasn't loud, as if made by the slaughtered creature, but in the caves. As Apocalypse came closer to, he noticed the belly of the creature had things moving inside it. Many things. He slowly and quietly stepped back and whispered to me. "Maggots, too many to handle".  

           We just barely cleared the bone field with our goblin armor and cloaks when the maggots finally chewed their way through. Spilling out of the beast emerged dozens of them. Apocalypse and I dropped the armor and started to run. We could hear them right behind us. The slap of wet, slimy, flesh was hitting against the walls as they bounced off each other in a frantic feeding frenzy.  

          I was just ahead when I saw the goblin war mark on the wall. We headed straight for it. Apocalypse knew what I had in mind. To run right through the goblin war party and let them deal with the maggots. My energy was starting to fade quickly from the run and I was still a ways off from the goblins. Apocalypse saw some mushrooms against the wall and started to light them on fire. He just needed a few to slow the Talie maggots to give us a little more time.  

         The goblins were sitting having their dinner. About two hundred gathered around a series of fires and cauldrons. All they saw was two cloaked figures run through the center of their camp. With their bellies full and arrogant enough not to think anyone would enter their camp unwelcome, they paid it little attention. A few heads turned to look but that was their mistake. They never saw the maggots coming from behind. We just kept running as we heard the screams of the goblins behind us. 

Finally, light flooded my eyes, as we exited a cave. Safe at last, I collapsed to the ground exhausted. Apocalypse smiled to himself while looking down at me. I held my own and he was proud. He helped me up and said one word, ”Home”.


Maelstrom knew that Apocalypse would be home soon with me in tow. He had to find a way to keep me from talking about the night he was taken from the tavern. Knowing what he knew about my past he set out to find the one creature that he thought could destroy me.

It took about another two weeks to get back to House Acnar. We were able to make it back without any other problems. By the time we arrived I was thoroughly worn out.  All I wanted to do was bathe and sleep for about a week, but we met with Slayer briefly. He wanted to know more about the night I was taken from the tavern. I really was in no shape mentally to go over it at that time. He could tell that I was hurting. Doing my best to recall every detail I told him what had transpired. Then dismissed after giving Slayer my report. Apocalypse smiled and continued to tell him about our adventure.

I went to my quarters and cleaned up. The warm bath felt amazing. Afterward I stood staring at myself in the mirror for sometime. It was the first time I could look at myself and not feel shame. Thinking of all that I had survived in the past few weeks, I was proud of myself. An overwhelming feeling of home swept through me, a reason for living. I truly felt I belonged at House Acnar. I vowed to myself that I would get even with Maelstrom.

A strange misty fog began to fill my room. I grabbed my scimitar and readied myself for a fight. As the mist faded I came face to face with Fenya. Was it true? Was she really standing there in front of me? Dropping my weapon I stood in shock momentarily. I threw my arms around her and held her as tightly as I could. She sobbed as we held onto each other for dear life. It had been over four years since I had seen my love. And after my last run in with Rhavan I was convinced I'd never see her again. I wiped her tears away and kissed her deeply on the lips. Gods I had missed her.

“I can't believe you are here. I missed you so much. Not a day has passed without me thinking of you. My dear, sweet, Fenya.”

“I heard Rhavan had finally found you. He had been watching you for months before he attacked you in the woods that day. I followed him one night, that's how I found you.” she smiled sweetly at me.

I could feel tears swelling in my eyes and tried to choke them back. It was such a risk she took to see me. But honestly, at that moment, I would fight all the armies of the Svartálfaheimr to be with her. 

“You have put a spell over me Nienar. I ache for your touch. Rhavan has become jealous of our love for one another and has vowed revenge. We are his fledglings and he will never let us forget it.” 

“And I am your lover!” I said scooping her up in my arms. Kissing her more passionately as I carried her to my bed. She offered her throat to me. I was hesitant but needed to feed.  I drank just enough to regain my full strength. The taste of her blood was exquisite. She was truly mine and I was truly hers. I gently caressed her as I removed the light chemise she was wearing.  I wasn't going to rush into a sexual frenzy this time. I wanted to savor every bit of her. We made passionate love through the night and fell into a sound sleep in each other's arms. When I awoke in the morning my lovely was still lying next to me. Her arm draped across my chest. I turned and kissed her cheek. She stirred a bit, opened her eyes, looked at me and smiled. She had the most beautiful smile. Her eyes sparkled with happiness. She kissed me on the lips and rested her head on my chest.

“I have fallen madly in love with you Nienar. It has been so long since I have felt these feelings towards another. I can’t stop thinking about you. I cringe at the thought of that lecherous monster touching me. I want to stay with you, but.” she hesitated for a moment. 

I took the opportunity to kiss her deeply to take her mind away from the thought.

“Then stay with me. Stay here. I will keep you safe.” I said holding her tightly.

“Oh Nienar, I would love nothing more than to stay here. But in doing so, it will put the entire place in danger. He's much worse than he was when you were there. His sadistic cruelty is beyond anything I could have ever imagined.”

“No. You will stay here. I can protect you. The house is the closest thing to a fortress. He wouldn't dare harm us here. I'm ready to confront him, Fenya. I am not the frightened boy you found in the Svartálfaheimr anymore.  I understand the risks you take to come to me. I will not hold you here  against your will.  Every moment with you I cherish. Someday we will be free of him, I promise.”

We laid and cuddled together for a while. I must have drifted off for when I woke again she was gone. I knew she’d be back soon. Fenya loved me and loved her dearly. I would die for her.




The Dead Elf Inquiry


Maelstrom was informed that an inquiry was going to be held to find out what happened the night I was taken back to Svartálfaheimr. This did not please him. And he didn't hide it. The day of the inquiry came and Slayer called all parties involved the night in question between Maelstrom and I. We all gathered in the Great Hall. Apocalypse was seated beside Slayer. I sat beside Apocalypse. This angered Maelstrom immensely. He felt his place was beside Apocalypse. Noticing how angry Maelstrom was at this sight before him, Slayer began the inquiry.

“Men, explain what happened the night a Svartálfar scouting party took away your brother without a fight?” He asked them.  

They were thirsty and bored and we all decided to go to the Tavern.  They all claimed I had stepped outside for a moment and never returned, Maelstrom said as finished telling his version, an uncontrollable anger took over my senses. My eyes glowed red as I let out a low growl. One right after  another they lied about what had happened. All repeated the same story as Maelstrom.

“Lies all of you, lies!” I hollered jumping up and headed straight for Maelstrom. 

I had had enough.  I survived too much for their lies to destroy what little happiness I had left. I had something to fight for. I had a home. People trusted and counted on me. My love was going to be with me soon. I was not willing to lose any of it to a lowly fiend. I caught Maelstrom a few times with few spells and then threw an energy blast, knocking him across the room. A very pissed off demon picked himself up off the ground and charged at me. He pulled his sword and came at me. Slayer threw me his sword and sparks flew as the two of us fought. Maelstrom knew what my weaknesses were and began to use them against me. He knew that I was strong, but still not strong enough magically to defeat him. Maelstrom berated me with spell after spell, sucking the magick source from my body. This weakened me and Maelstrom was able to knock me to the ground, drawing back for a final deathblow. 

“Drop your swords at once!” Slayer yelled as he grabbed Maelstrom by the throat. 

Two guards grabbed him, keeping him away from me. Apocalypse grabbed and held me at bay until Slayer was to give further orders. Concerned, Apocalypse asked, “Mourn, what’s wrong with you? That was very unlike you to rage.”

“They were lying!” I gasped as I fought to catch my breath.

“Then tell your side.” Slayer instructed me.

I didn’t know what to do. It was my word against an entire scouting party, run by Maelstrom. Would they believe me? I had to try and trust that the truth would be enough. Wiping the blood from my lip, I took a deep breath and I told of what had really happened. “I was traveling through the forest and I guess my wounds were worse than I thought. I had made it to about a mile from here when Maelstrom found me in very sorry shape. He brought me back here as you already know. A few days later, when he noticed I had recovered enough to travel, he suggested we all get away for the night. Go relax, have drinks, maybe consort with a lady or two. He said he knew the tavern keeper and we could drink cheaply. Something didn't quite feel right, but I didn't want to have him find any issue with me, so I agreed to go. We had been at the tavern for several hours when the scouting party showed up. Maelstrom smiled, got up and turned his back to me as he was handed a bag of coins. His words to me were , “I told you that you were worth more to me alive, Svartálfar.” Then the rest, one by one got up and turned their backs, leaving me in the tavern with the scouting party, You pretty much know the rest.” my voice shook with anger.

I decided to leave the part of Rhavan’s attack out of it. Too much was at stake and if Slayer found out I was a vampire I too could be banished. After some time of silence Slayer came to a decision.

“I find that Mourn has told the truth here today. Maelstrom you and your men lied and therefore are no longer trustworthy to me. You are dismissed from the Dragon Horde without the ability to ever enter these gates again.” Slayer ordered.

Maelstrom yanked himself loose from the guards grasp and vowed to get revenge upon me as he vanished into the air leaving behind the smell of sulfur in the air. I was tired of Maelstrom and took the threat as idle. Little did I know what Maelstrom had in store.



The Fall of House Acnar


I felt finally accepted. Slayer believed me. He trusted and had faith in me, as did Apocalypse. I had a home, no more running. They had a great feast to welcome me officially into the household. I drank and enjoyed the first night of my new life. My armor was returned to me repaired. It looked brand new! I never asked how they got it, I was just thankful I got it back. We celebrated into the early morning hours. Tiring, I excused myself from the celebration. I felt the effects of the drink as I stumbled my way back to my quarters. As I entered, the smell of rotting flesh filled the room. Lighting a candle to find the source of the odor, I was horrified by what I saw before me. There was the lifeless body of Fenya lying at my feet with her throat torn out. I dropped to my knees, grabbing her lifeless body in my arms. Tears of anger flooded through me as I screamed, “no” over and over, rocking back and forth with her in my arms. She was the one creature I lived for. The only one I had ever loved. I tore into my wrist with my teeth in a desperate attempt to revive her. Lifting her head and placing my wrist to her lips I cried, “Please Fenya, feed. Please my love, come on don’t leave me. Odin, Freya, please don’t take her from me. Don’t leave me!” 

“So you thought you could play me for a fool. Fenya found out the hard way that I’m no fool. She just could not keep away from you, you vile creature”. 

Rhavan emerged from shadows, “It’s not that simple to hide from me. I do have to say though, you have moved up a bit in the world.” 

He cackled as he flew at me. “A little demon told me where I could find you.”

“Rhavan…” I managed to gasp.

“Yes my little fledgling. It’s a shame of what you made me do to her. You two should have left it well enough alone. How many times did she steal away to your bed? How many times did you defile her?  I couldn’t have that. If I can not possess her will then no one shall. And now you will pay for trying to take what wasn’t yours to have, my Fenya. I told you I would kill you both if you didn’t stop. ” He pointed to the floor.

Looking down at her dead vacant eyes, I felt all struggle leave me. She was gone. My heart shattered. Taking my moment of weakness to his advantage, Rhavan grabbed me by the hair and pinned me to the floor sinking his fangs deep into my neck tearing at my throat. As my life drained from my body, I let out a small gargled cry. My heart broke as I gave into him. 

Fenya’s vacant eyes flashed through my mind. I awoke startled, not sure of where I was for a moment. The room was dark, but I knew it was home. I took in a sigh of relief, just another nightmare. My body ached as if I were in a great battle. I climbed out of bed and dressed thinking I had overslept from the party the night before. I remembered nothing of the attack from Rhavan or Fenya’s death. A nagging hunger tugged at my stomach, I pushed it out of my mind and went to find Apocalypse.

As I reached the Great Hall I heard shouting and the clang of swords clashing.  I opened the large wooden doors to see my brothers fighting a Svartálfar army of about fifty. I turned around and ran back to my chambers as fast as I could to get my scimitars. When I reached the room I was greeted by Maelstrom wearing MY armor, Heartbreaker. Enraged I unleashed a flurry of spells at him, but they had no effect on the demon. The magickal armor protected him. He just stood there cackling at my feeble attempts against him. Frustrated, I lunged for my scimitars as Maelstrom took a swing at me with his sword. Just as I reached my weapons, cold serrated steel ate into my flesh. A howl of pain escaped me.

“Thought you could take my place, did you Svartálfar? I learned of the bounty on your precious little head my boy. But found someone who pays better, hefty it is too. I could buy my own realm with it, and plan too. Right after I take you back to Svartálfaheimr.” He hissed at me.

I took a wild swing at him as I pulled myself off the serrated blade. He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and dragged me down the corridor back towards the Great Hall. I could feel the warm blood pouring down my leg from the gaping wound in my side. A thick trail of crimson followed us through the hall doors as Maelstrom threw me across the floor to the waiting Svartálfar army leader. Apocalypse saw me lying at the feet of the leader. He desperately tried to reach me but it was no use, there were too many warriors between us. Slayer snarled out in anger at Maelstrom as he saw him wearing Heartbreaker, and I in chains being dragged behind them. Maelstrom now possessed a suit of Slayers magical armor which made him extremely dangerous. Plus it belonged to me which made the steal all the more sweet. He would use it to bring me to my death, Apocalypse to his will and Slayer along with House Acnar to its knees. He turned and ordered the army to destroy the Acnar stronghold and all who dwelled inside it. Servants, wives and children all perished at the hands of this demon and his Svartalfar army. The only ones kept alive were Slayer and Apocalypse, and they were forced to watch it all, helpless as it all burned in front of them.




A Fresh New Hell


After putting up a halfhearted struggle, I gave in to the inevitable. I could escape the guards no problem, but not Maelstrom. We were connected from years of him pulling magickal and psychic energy from me. I decided to go with the flow of events and find my escape when they would least expect it. Plus I was very weak from the deep wound in my side from Maelstroms sword. 

The trip to Svartálfaheimr was a long treacherous, six month trek, to the caves below the Brecon Beacons in Wales. I was kept bound the entire time. Had energy pulled from me on an almost daily basis, and close guard was kept on me at all times. In late Summer of 1718 we reached the Brecon Beacons, it was a rainy, cold gloomy day, which matched my mood by then. I was in pretty sorry shape by the time we arrived at the City of the Deep. My wound still hadn't fully healed, I was feverish and starving. For both food and blood. I hesitated for a moment as we approached the gates. It definitely was not one I recognized.  

Maelstrom spoke to me coldly, “You better behave or I’ll make you so sorry you ever escaped Svartálfaheimr.” 

Stopping me right before we entered one of the guards placed a hood over my head, panic flashed through my being. “Relax,” Maelstrom hissed at me as he felt my fears swell. They led me in darkness through winding tunnels and overpasses until they finally reached the final destination. I was forced on my knees to a hard cold stone floor. A familiar sickening stench filled my nostrils. It was the same smell I noticed in my room in what I thought at the time was the night before. As I sat quietly and obediently the hood was finally removed. Letting my eyes adjust to the lighting of my surroundings I tried to focus on where the odor was coming from. I saw a large throne in front of me. As my eyes adjusted more I saw a very familiar face step out from behind the throne. It was Rhavan. He stood across the room just staring me down. I scooted away on my knees straight into Maelstrom. 

Rhavan walked over and took my face in his hand. “Didn’t think I’d still see you around after I left you for dead six months ago.”

I shook my head slightly in disbelief and stared at him for a moment confused. 

“And yes my little pet it is true, she is gone.”

I spoke softly, “I…I don’t…” Suddenly it all came flooding back to me as my eyes stayed connected with his. I remembered it all, finding Fenya with her throat torn out, her lifeless eyes looking up at me. I buried my head in my hands and began to rock back and forth mumbling to myself. A bitter vial taste came to me. Apocalypse feeding me flashed through my mind, then the excruciating pain I felt afterwards. I could not believe it all really happened. It all had to be a bad dream. I’ll wake up soon, I’ll wake up, I repeated over and over in my head. Rhavan took me by the hair and looked me straight in the eyes. 

“I told you, you could never have her. I also told you that you could never escape me. I hope you will now learn to listen and do as you are told this time around.” A single tear of anger slipped down my cheek as I looked my tormentor in the eyes. Defeated, I asked Maelstrom,“Is this the one who paid their pretty pennies for me?” 

Maelstrom gave me a funny look, grabbed me by the back of the collar and held me still. 

“Calm down, your owner is coming.” he hissed as a beautiful Svartálfar woman sat on the throne. I stood up, there was no way I was kneeling in front of the likes of her. I turned around meeting Maelstrom face to face.

“Turn back around. Show the Queen your respect.” He growled at me shoving me back down to the floor. Swallowing my pride back down into my chest and I stayed knelt in front of her throne. She stepped down and snickered as she took my face in her hand. 

“You have matured so much since I last saw you, child. You have grown even more beautifully handsome over these few short years than anyone ever imagined. It’s incredible how much you resemble your mother. I am assuming you have learned to control yourself boy?”

“Yes”. I stammered, unsure of whether I should have answered. But no punishment came.

  She continued on, “Very good Nienar. You may be of some use to me after all. Should I expect a display of disobedience?”

“No.”  I answered softly. 

The room spun ever so slightly as my anxiety began to build. I also could feel Maelstrom pulling my energy ensuring no wild magick would escape me.

“This makes me very happy. Maelstrom, here is your payment, I would like it very much if you would stay here for a bit and help us with the boy if we have any more trouble. You seem to have done a better job of it than the vampire.”  

She handed him a very large sack of jewels stolen from the Dwarven mines. I just glared up at him as the demon grabbed the bag from her. 

“I shall think about it.” He answered with a smile.

“Rhavan, I’m sure you will fine tune the boy if need be?” She asked him wickedly.

“I can oblige you, my Lady. I humbly apologize for my losing him the first time your Highness, he was a bit more than I could handle at the time. I do not foresee us having that problem again.”  He answered, kissing her on the hand.

I was terrified of what Rhavan had in store for me the first moment we were alone. I tried my best to not show my fear. Feeling a bit self-conscious about the blood soaked shirt I was wearing I tried to tuck it into my trousers. I didn’t know why I was trying to look more presentable, perhaps to give them no reason to be cross with me. No reason for me to be alone with him. My heart ached for my love. Visions of her vacant eyes continued to haunt me. The woman looked down at me to see me deep in thought and trying to clean myself up in her presence. She stepped down from her throne and once again took my face in her hand, facing me up to her. I shyly looked at her. She stopped talking in Svartálfar and spoke to me in English.

“Let me first introduce myself. I am Queen Tristee Mitzeri. Daughter of the recently deceased Queen Mizeri Mitzeri. I first laid eyes on you when Rhavan brought you to my Mother. After the little stunt you pulled in her presence when you dared to throw magic at her, House Tazbbár tried to wage war with us. After their dirty little secret, you, became public they lost their hold on the city. Sadly, with that came the brutal assassination of my dearest Mother. After your second escape from your mother all of the Svartálfaheimr went to war for control of the city and in turn the destruction of our beloved city. Not many survived. Those of us who did, came here to Wales to beg for shelter. Queen Ellenoria welcomed us with open arms. That was her downfall. I had your dear Great-great-great grandmother assassinated. The elves of the City of the Deep, the Ellyllon, have not fully accepted this takeover and continue to pester me with bouts of insurgents. I pity them in a way. They are not a warrior race, but they sure give it their best. I have paid a great price to have you brought here. I plan to make you my mate, my patron. With the union between House Mitzeri and the last survivng de Loppendell, together we will renew the race of the Svartálfar. And in time we will take over this land and make it ours. But first I think we need to make a few things clear. You have been away from here a long time and it seems you have forgotten your manners.” 

I looked at her confused. 

“Why did you tuck in your shirt in my presence? You are a slave. You have no thoughts of grooming. You are nothing but property in my eyes. So to remind you of your place since you have been gone so long, I believe you need a refresher. Rhavan bring him to his new home.” She laughed as Rhavan grabbed my arm and led me from the room.

“Back together again my fledgling. We have a lot of catching up to do. And do we have such wonderful plans for you.” He said as he brought me down into the recesses of the palace.

“I don’t care.” I answered coldly.

I will make you care.” He answered and pushed me into a dark stone cell with no inlet for light. 

Rhavan locked me in before I had a chance to react. I began to have trouble breathing as the wound in my side throbbed worse. The walls felt like they were closing in on me. Panic overwhelmed me and I screamed out, “Rhavan, don’t leave me in here. Kill me just don’t leave me in here.” A sharp pain in my side brought me to my knees as the room began to spin. I tried to speak a spell, one last futile attempt to escape into mist as everything went blank.

I wasn’t sure how long I had lain in that dank cell for. The wound in my side had become very infected and I felt like I was dying. There were times where I thought I felt the presence of another, but would brush it off as the fever finally took over driving me mad. Day after day I would trace the stones on the wall with my fingers to try and keep what sanity I had left. All time escaped me as I withered away. 

Eventually I was sent for and Rhavan was the one to fetch me. When he opened the door to the cell he saw me curled up in a corner mumbling to myself. He decided to take advantage and torture his fledgling a bit. He walked over and crouched down next to me. I made a very poor attempt to crawl away. He grabbed me by the ankle and pulled me back to him, tugging at my trouser. I kicked at him to let go. He laughed and pounced on my chest, putting pressure on the wound in my side. I grunted as I felt it reopen. 

“I hate you and I will never give into you.” I hissed at him.

In a snide voice he answered, “Oh, come now Nienar let's be honest. We both know you yearn for your death. To be with her since you can’t have her in this life. No my pet, you will live and suffer till the day they decide they don’t need you anymore and then I will come back for you and keep you with me till the end of eternity torturing you. I told you, you could never escape me. I made you and only I can destroy you.” 

“You can't even get that right. I’m still here Rhavan. I am still alive, and I plan to live long enough to see you dead at the end of my blade.” I snickered. 

Angered, he slapped me hard across the face several times. The door flew open with a crash as Maelstrom walked in very aggravated. He could see the outline of Rhavan pinning me down to the floor in the low light. I reached out towards Maelstrom and whispered, “Help me.” This was not typical behavior for me and he knew it. He walked over and grabbed Rhavan by the collar of his shirt and yanked him hard off of me.

“Leave him alone. Her Highness grows weary of waiting for you.” 

Kneeling down to check on me, he saw the wound from his sword had become severely infected and I was burning up with fever. I reached up and grabbed Maelstrom by the shirt.

“You have won this game Maelstrom. I yield to you.” I stammered and mumbled something incoherent then continued on in a faster more excited voice, “Kill me don’t leave me with him.” I whispered cautiously peering past him to see if Rhavan heard me. 

“Hmmm, so it was his scent I detected on you that day in the forest. I have to confess I pity you Mourn. I truly do, for getting mixed up with a creature like him. If I were you I’d be praying a bit harder for death. But that will not be today, and it will not be at my hands.”

            “Look you have the bounty, DEMON KILL ME.” I screamed at him. 

Maelstrom stared at me in utter disbelief. That I would still beg him for mercy. He looked at Rhavan who just shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly and smiled wickedly at us. Maelstrom growled at him as he removed my grip from his arm. I went back to mumbling to myself. He pulled me just enough to get me onto my feet. I was so frail and with fever my legs couldn’t hold my weight. Maelstrom steadied me as he brought me to Queen Tristee. When we reached her throne room I collapsed in front of her. She rushed off her throne and felt I was burning up with fever. The wound in my side bled onto her floor.

“How long has he been ill?” she asked sternly.

“I believe the injury happened when they took him from his home above ground.”  Rhavan was quick to answer, glaring at Maelstrom. 

“As far as him being ill I have no clue.” 

“He is no good to me like this. Do you understand what he is to me? How dare you let this happen? I swear if any more unwarranted harm comes to him I will have both your heads. Do you understand me?” she screamed at them.

Maelstrom snickered and hissed at Rhavan then stormed out of the room. Rhavan then bowed and excused himself from the room also. She called out to her servants to take care of me and heal me. They brought me to a small room. I was bathed and my wound cleaned and dressed. The healers told Queen Tristee that I should have never survived the wound much less the fever. But I think she already knew that, which is why I was worth so much to her. A few hours later my wounds began to slowly close.  I awoke in a room that was decorated with fine silk tapestries and hand woven linens on the bed. I was kept in the room bound to the bed as they tried to continue to heal me.

Over the following days word had spread through the city about who I was. Talk once again began that I was the Svartálfar that had been prophesied long ago. I had survived every attempt taken on my life. And after my last escape from the Scandinavian Svartálfaheimr the old city was destroyed. The wars between the households were well known throughout all the lands. If this was so, Queen Tristee could try and use me to take over the city. The thought of what lay ahead threw me into despair. As the days dragged on I faded more into my own depression. Queen Tristee ordered that I be kept as comfortable as possible. They offered me the finest foods and drink, and it would just remain uneaten. I had no appetite for it. All my body craved was blood. I began to become ill with fever again. The healers tried their best, but could not find the cause. They told her since my will to live was gone, it was impossible for me to heal. Frustrated, she went to Rhavan. 

“What should I do? We have made him comfortable, his fever won’t break. He won’t eat or drink. They say he has lost his will to live.” 

Angered by his fledglings disobedience he stormed into the room and grabbed me up by the throat. “What’s your problem?” He tore into his wrist and forced me to feed. I spit it right back in his face and laughed madly at him. The hunger and fever were starting to mess with my head. I tried to push him off but the older vampire had his ways of making me comply. 

“If you don’t feed I will have to give you my special attention.” He growled.

I knew exactly what he meant by that and my struggling ceased. Rhavan grabbed me by the hair and tilted my head back. He asked one of the servants to open my mouth. The blood poured down my throat forcing me to swallow it or choke. I fought as I felt my strength surge back into my body. He hopped off me and backed away. Queen Tristee spoke to me softly to keep me calm. 

“Please don’t be startled.”

  “I will not help you. Muchless marry you.” I answered her hoarsely.

Suddenly I began to feel extremely sick and soon was throwing up the blood Rhavan forced me to drink.

“Oh, I have my ways of getting what I want, boy. By the time I finish with you, you will be begging me to do my bidding.” She said caressing my face. “Feed him more.” 

“I don’t think that would be wise. He would be beyond any of our control if he was ever to be at full strength. I think our best bet with this one is to keep him feeble. It will be easiest to control him, to make him bend to your will.” 

I hissed at him as an uncontrollable anger began to over take my senses. I had never felt it before. I hated him so much. I cursed him for turning me into one of his kind. I thrashed to get loose of my binds. None of my magic worked.

“I will not be some source of fun for you and your Mistress.” I yelled at them.

“Still so young and arrogant aren’t you Nienar. You will learn very quickly I always get what I want, and what I want is for you to marry me. Even if you choose not to comply willingly, all I really need is your name. Once our union is secured, this city will be mine. If you do this much for me perhaps I will reward you kindly.” She purred in my ear as she magically removed my binds. 

Rhavan grabbed me by the throat and pulled me from the bed, forcing me to the floor on my knees. I struggled against his grasp. I suddenly felt a sharp pain shoot through my body. The Queen stood behind me with a wicked look on her face, snake-whip in hand.

“Nienar, my dear, you ARE going to marry me” She said all too calmly.

“You’re insane.” I said to her, shocked. 

She continued on. “I know of the warrior you have become. Your magic is more powerful than most high priestesses of the Svartálfaheimr. You survived your Sire’s, among others, continued attempts to murder you. How do you manage such feats?”  

“Yes Nienar, how do you do it?” Rhavan hissed at me as he lifted me by the hair to my feet.

“You tell me dear Sire. You created the abomination before you. Why is it I can’t die? Perhaps you are the failure.” I growled. Maelstrom walked into the room as I began to speak the words to a spell, but nothing was happening. Suddenly I heard her laugh. 

“I have taken precautions to safeguard myself and my guests from your magic.” 

She reached down and tugged hard on the collar around my neck. Without my swords or magic I was totally defenseless against the two who wanted me dead the most. I growled as anger swept through my heart. Maelstrom and Rhavan found it quite amusing chuckling aloud at me.

“I will not help you in your petty wants.” I said to her coldly.

“Oh, I beg to differ. You will fall to my will. I have ways of making you cooperate.” The whip bit into my skin again.

“Is that the best you got.” I laughed at her. In a flash I was out of Rhavan's grasp and snatched the whip from her grasp. She frantically looked at Rhavan and Maelstrom to help her. Maelstrom knew exactly what to do to stop me. As I brought the whip back to hit her, Maelstrom took hold and poked me with his sword, reopening the wound in my side. I let out a yelp in pain and crumpled to the floor. He bent down and rolled me onto my back pulling a dagger from his belt, he slit my wrists. 

“Throw him into the dungeons. Let the fiends feed from him. Perhaps a bit of time down there he will come around to see things my way.” Queen Tristee said motioning them out of the room. 

I grabbed Maelstrom’s boot in a weak attempt to stop him. “Apocalypse will have your head on a platter! House Acnar will bring their wrath upon this place.” I struggled to say through the pain in my side. Maelstrom turned and stomped on the open wound in my side. 

“House Acnar is no more. They (pointing to the guards) made sure of that little brother. This is your existence now. You better learn fast to accept your fate.”  He cackled at me. 

The guards tossed me into a dark cold room deep into the reassess of the keep. I tore my shirt to shreds and tied it around my wrists and torso to try and stop the bleeding. I needed all the blood I had left to try and heal the gaping hole in my side. Writhing with pain, I crawled into a corner of the room and let the darkness take over. Nightmares haunted my sleep. The battle in the Great Hall at House Acnar raged through my mind. Maelstrom laughed at me from the shadows of the room often to torment me. My body was tired. I needed to feed. But the need to sleep was greater. 

I was awoken by a pitcher of water, thrown at me. There stood Maelstrom in Heartbreaker, laughing. 

“Get up. The Queen wants to see you in her chambers.” He grabbed me up by the collar. I struggled to keep up with him. My legs were shaky and the wound in my side ached. My mind desperately searched for a way to escape. But nothing seemed possible. Maelstrom dragged me through the large doors and dropped me at her feet. Queen Tristee lifted my chin till our eyes met. I had never noticed how cold her ice blue eyes really were. Her white long hair framing her sharp chiseled face. Her expression matched her eyes.

“Are you willing to play nice?” She asked me sweetly. I could smell her blood. I wanted to taste her. To feel her hot fresh blood pour down my throat. These feelings were beginning to overtake my better judgment, almost like I had no control of my actions. Rhavan saw my expression and the look in my eyes, and pulled Queen Tristee away before I could attack her. I sneered, hissing at him, flashing my fangs.

“Oh, Rhavan, beloved father, have you forgotten how sweet our fey blood is? You can’t deny my temptation. Allow me just a little taste of her.” I laughed wickedly. Animalistic urges began to take over all sense of reason. He knew my natural vampiric instincts were controlling me. I crouched staring at Rhavan, with sunken starving eyes. I sensed a flash of fear soar through him and slowly began to rise to pounce him. It was the first and only time I ever saw fear in his eyes.

“Maelstrom, keep him back!” He shouted.

Hitting me with the pommel of his sword, knocking me to the floor he kicked me in the side reopening the wound yet again. Pressing his boot down hard onto my chest, he said, “If you keep this up, I will grant you that death you wish for so much.” Pulling his sword from its sheath, he raised it above my head.

“Do it. Do it, Maelstrom. This is what you’ve wanted, my head. Take it.” I whispered madly at him. “Do it. Do it. Come on Maelstrom what are you waiting for. No one seems to be stopping you. Come on, do it.”  I closed my eyes tightly and yelled at him, “DO IT!”

The bloodlust slowly turning me insane. Control over my actions and thoughts began to escape me. I felt Maelstrom remove his foot from my chest. He grabbed me up by the collar. 

“You almost had me there boy, almost. But I’m going to enjoy this much more. I’m going to watch you suffer. I’m going to make you pay for taking my place in the household. If you think the four years you were under my control was hell, you’ve not experienced anything yet.”

I just stood there, bleeding and trying to fight off the pain I felt and the hunger that grew within me. The smell of my blood just made the craving all the more. Queen Tristee instructed two guards to bring me back to the dungeon. There I lost track of all time. I would wake up screaming from nightmares. The Queen would torture me by unleashing swarms of spiders at me, until my cries echoed through out the dungeon. Rhavan would tease me by dripping fresh blood just outside my cell. With every passing day the wound in my side got worse, and the hunger grew. And Maelstrom did just as he said he would. He sat back and watched gleefully at my suffering. 

The day finally came that I could no longer play this game. I would listen to what Queen Tristee had to offer. If Queen Tristee wanted me as her patron I would do it. Anything was better than this existence. I called for a guard to send word I would like to speak with the Queen. Rhavan came to retrieve me. When he entered the cell and saw me sitting in the far corner. 

“There is no need for games. I am willing to cooperate.” I told him. He helped me up to my feet and took me to her. To my surprise we arrived at her throne room without Rhavan’s usual lecherous behavior.

“He said he’s willing to listen.” He said, pushing me to her feet.

 She looked down into my eyes. There she saw a young, proud Svartálfar who was doing what his instincts told him to. Fight and survive. But I was exhausted and starving. She could feel the struggle I was having with the urge to feed from her. I was just too tired to fight any longer.

“Are you willing to answer my questions and do as you are told.” She asked me as I struggled to one knee. 

“Yes, I am willing to do what is asked of me my, my Queen.”  I kept my head down. I would not say it to her face. It was too humiliating. I would find a way out. I made a promise to myself at that moment that I would survive all that was to be placed upon me. I had survived worse and I would make it out of there and live a life for Fenya and I.

“I’m very glad to hear that.” She motioned for the two guards to bring me back to the dark cell in the dungeon.

“I said I would do all that you want of me.” I looked at her bewildered. 

“What I want is for you to suffer a bit longer.” She laughed and shooed them from the room. Once again all time escaped me. But this time no one came to pick on me, torture or feed me. The wound in my side wouldn’t heal. It just festered. I was in constant pain from it and the hunger in my gut never left. I lay in the cell for what seemed like forever. 

The sound of the latch on the door echoed harshly through my ears. It was the first sound I had heard in that dark cell, other than my own breathing. I tucked myself into a corner of the room. I was in very poor condition, and didn’t feel like a fight.

“Come out Nienar. You can’t hide from me. I know you’re here. I can smell your fear.”  Rhavan said harshly.

I watched him search the shadows for me. Hunger and natural instinct began to take over and I charged at Rhavan knocking him to the floor. I struggled to get to his throat. To feed on blood once again. To feel life course through my aching body. He grabbed me by the throat and tossed me hard into the wall. I hit the floor in a crumpled heap.

“Now get up and compose yourself. Your Queen and future wife wants to see you.”

I collected myself the best I could and followed him. The doors opened into a large altar room. I backed away as flashbacks of a great war of the Svartálfaheimr attacked my mind, bringing me to my knees.“Rhavan, I can’t go in there. Don’t make me go in.” I pleaded, holding my head. 

He grabbed me by the arms and lifted me back to my feet. From inside the chamber, Maelstrom saw the struggle. He came and helped him drag me in kicking and pleading. Visions of the onslaught raged on. My body began to feel as if it were on fire as they placed me up on an altar. I opened my eyes slightly to escape the war in my head. I saw Maelstrom bring the straps down across my wrists and ankles to secure me to the altar. 

“Maelstrom, is he secure?” Queen Tristee asked.

“He’s not going anywhere.” He answered, patting me hard on the head.

She walked over and stood over me. I fought against my binds hard with no avail. The pain in my head was blinding my vision. Queen Tristee explained the visions I was seeing the Goddess Hel fighting for possession of my soul. But something inside me fought vigilantly against her to keep possession of it. She began to chant incantations and read from her Priestess spell book. I knew what these spells were and knew I was in tremendous trouble. It was a ceremony to turn me into a Drider!

“My Queen why? Why are you doing this? I promise I will do as you wish of me. I will be your ever devoted patron, I beg you don’t do this.” Pleading for whatever life I had left. The spell started to take its course in my body. Searing agony flooded my senses as I screamed out for it all to stop. 

“Nienar, will you obey all of what I order of you?”

“Yes!” I gasped.

“Will you obey all Rhavan orders of you?”


“Will you obey all that Maelstrom orders of you?”

“Yes” I grunted through clenched teeth. Just as it felt as if I could take no more, it stopped. Spent, I looked up at Queen Tristee. Tears of anger and frustration streamed from my eyes. I couldn't take it anymore. From out of nowhere with every bit of strength I had I broke free of my binds and sprung off the altar. I backed away from them towards the corner of the room, looking at them like a wild animal trapped. Maelstrom walked towards me, taunting me. He produced a scimitar from thin air and threw it at my feet.

“Come on you pathetic Svartálfar. Pick up that sword and do what you want to do. Try your best to kill me. Come at me. I dare you boy!”  

With tear filled eyes, I picked up the scimitar and swung wildly at him. Maelstrom laughed at my feeble attempts. With every swing I took, Maelstrom struck down with ease. Suddenly, a sharp pain in my head brought me to my knees.

All my anger flooded into the scimitar and with a strength that was not mine, brought the blade down to the stone floor shattering it to pieces. 

“Leave me alone or next time it will be your heads. Mortals beware for I will outlive you all!” An evil voice came from my lips. My eyes glowed blood red. Maelstrom backed away a step or two, taken back by what he just saw. I sat there staring at my hands and the shattered blade, then back at all of them. The shock was evident on my face.

“I...I...I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened.” I said softly, staring back at the floor. “Can I go back to the cell now?”

“No, Nienar. I will not send you back there. You have passed my test. I feel I can trust you now. But I warn you, if you dare try anything against us, I will deliver you to Hel myself.” The Queen sneered at me. I nodded that I understood her. “Take him to the east tower chamber until I give further orders. And Rhavan, DON’T feed him.” She instructed.

I was brought to my new quarters for the time being. It was a small, but warm and clean room. It had a large bed, a table with a few books and paper stood next to it. There was also a window that let in the luminescent light of the city. I looked back at Rhavan as if waiting for the punchline, for it all to be taken away.

“Go in son, this is your home now.” He said pushing me slightly through the door. 

I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. It was the softest thing I’d ever felt. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed clean clothes and a wash basin. Suddenly, he grabbed me tightly by the hair. 

“Look you little shit. I don’t know what you pulled in there but you better not show that side ever again. You hear me?”

I nodded yes. He pulled something quickly out from under the bed and wrapped it tightly around my ankle. Confused, I looked down to see a chain attached to the bed and the cuff attached to the chain. And there it was, the catch to my cozy new room. Insurance I couldn't escape. Snatching my wrist he fed as he pushed me onto the bed grasping my throat with the other. I felt myself slipping into that old familiar fog. I knew what was coming next. He flipped me over onto my stomach, pulling roughly at my trousers. Once he got them off  he rolled me onto my back, tearing my shirt open.Taking his sharp nail he cut deep into my chest, feeding. I turned away as he pushed my knees to my chest and entered. I ate the pain and held back my emotions covering my face with my arms. I went completely limp, there was no resistance this time. Rhavan grabbed me tightly by the throat hissing at me to look at him. And I did. I looked right through him. He could take me but I no longer feared him. I loathed him, every single bit of him. He saw it in my eyes as I gave him a dead stare. He suddenly stopped and looked down at me puzzled. 

“No struggle Nienar? This is very unlike you. Are you finally accepting my affection for you?”

I turned away from his gaze. He nuzzled his face into my neck and fed as he continued to relieve his sexual tension. All I could do was lay there, plotting my revenge. After some time he tired and finished having his way with me. Rhavan dressed and sat on the edge of the bed, caressing my hair as I lay emotionless staring at the ceiling. 

“I must say, I do enjoy this side of you much better than it always having to be such a struggle. I know you find it hard to believe Nienar, but I do care for you. I love you. You are my child, my fledgling, my ultimate possession. The finest treasure in all the world. You are one of a kind. The only one of your race to survive my embrace. Yes, my son, there have been others before you. But there are none that will ever be like you. I know I have treated you horribly and I may again in the future. I do not mean to be cruel, it just happens. Like a beast takes over and forces me to do evil things. I wasn't always like this, a monster. I loved deeply once, traveled the world, and lived life to the fullest. But as a child my mother did horrible things to her children. Carrying out experiments on her offspring. Mixing our blood with other races, demons, and other worldly creatures. I was not born into vampirism as my siblings were as my father was just a mere human. I was actually Sired by my elder brother. As the centuries progressed, I became more evil, more jaded.”

His voice trailed off. A sadness I had never seen before crossed his face. Rhavan kissed my forehead then left my room. I sat up and stared at the door for a few minutes in disbelief of what I just heard. That was the first sign and words of kindness and feeling he had shown since our reunion. This confused me deeply. Pushing what had just happened to the back of my mind, I cleaned myself up and dressed.


As my time dragged along deep in the mountains of the Brecon Beacon, I continued to hear whispering around me, taunting me of what an abomination I was to the Svartálfar and Ellyllon. Even if I really was the only surviving de Loppendell, I was not going to be accepted. The union between the two dark elven races would never happen no matter how much the Queen wanted it. Her blind ambition prevented her from seeing the future clearly. 

I was kept under lock and key at all times. Always in chains of one kind or another. The Queen’s younger sister reveled in reminding me of my horrid plight. But it wasn’t just verbal taunts, oh no, they were much more cruel. Apparently, she knew of Rhavan's lust for me. She would peek in on us when Rhavan would take me, then tell all about our “love affair” and how I willingly gave him all he wanted, adding to my humiliation. She would taunt me by slitting some poor unsuspecting servant’s throat in front of me to watch me crave for the precious fluid pouring from the wound, as I paced angrily like a starving beast, wanting to get my hands around her little scrawny neck and snap it. I dreamed of feeding from her, draining what precious blood and life she had. The thought of it drove me to want to survive even more.

I had been trapped in the Deep city for over two months and the bloodlust was constant. This was when I began to harm myself just so I could feed. Counter productive, I know. But at the time it seemed my only solution and something I had control over in my very stressful, out of my control, situation. My days were filled with learning the history and protocol of the City of the Deep, as well as the de Loppendell and House Mitzeri's histories. As I mentioned earlier, it seemed that after escaping the crumbling city of the Svartálfaheimr, the once Princess Tristee had, who was believed to be my Grandmother, Queen Ellenoria de Loppendell assassinated and took over the City of the Deep. The Svartálfar are a much more savage race than the Ellyllon and they were easily conquered. I also had to learn what it took to be a Queens patron. I was to be married to Queen Tristee in a week's time at this point in my imprisonment. I couldn't bear thinking about being trapped here with her. Every day I would dream and plot my escape. Waiting for the perfect moment to take my revenge on all those who kept me trapped in there and tormented me. I promised Fenya I would live life for both of us and this was no life. I yearned for the world above ground. I wanted to feel the wind and sun on my skin, to see the blues of the sky, the different reds, purples, and oranges in the sunsets, the changing colors of nature and the turning of seasons. Chirping birds and the rain on my face.




Let it Burn


The Queens sister's teasing and taunting continued incessantly for weeks on end until the inevitable happened. The day finally came that I finally snapped. It happened two days before the wedding in early winter 1718. Once again she stood on the other side of my door, this time she cut her hand with a small knife and stretched her arm through the small window of the door. I jumped up from the chair I was sitting in and grabbed her arm and pulled hard on it, slamming her hard up against the other side of the door. I felt her fear and panic surge through her body. I laughed at her wickedly as I licked the dripping blood from her hand. It was the sweetest tasting blood I had ever tasted. My strength began to come back. “Have you enjoyed yourself? Have you had enough yet? Well, I think I have. I have been here four long months and I’m tired of you, your sister the Queen and this place. And you are going to help me leave here.” I hissed at her.

“And how do you plan to do this? You cursed pathetic Svartálfar? You whore! Nasty little creature who lays with human vampires.” She laughed at me nervously.

With all my strength back I easily pushed the door open still holding her arm through the window, pinning her behind the door against the wall. I tugged hard and heard a sickening snap. She screamed out in pain and began calling for the guards. I let go of her arm and closed the door behind me as I pinned her against the wall by the throat.

“Scream your last cries for help!” 

I growled and latched onto her artery tearing it out with my teeth. Blood sprayed everywhere covering my face and chest. I didn't care. The hot sweet fey blood filled my mouth and poured down my throat. A power I had never felt surged through my body. Every ache, pain and wound I had healed. I felt no control over my actions as I let go of the poor useless bitches’ body. With my new found strength I was able to tear off the collar the Queen had placed on me and made my escape from the tower. I went on a rampage setting fire to everything I saw by spell and anyone who got in my way I fed from and killed. I sensed both Maelstrom and Rhavan were now aware of the carnage I was unleashing through the city and were on the search for me. I had to find a way out of the Deep city. Suddenly something spoke to me. I closed my eyes and imagined being above ground. When I opened them I was blinded by the bright sun above. It was the first time I ever tried the spell and it worked. This was also the first time I had ever been at full strength as a vampire. Now I understood why those who kept coming after me, feared me. Using my new found freedom and vampire abilities, I let my eyes adjust for a bit. I was able to get my bearings on where I was. The area was near Libanus, Wales.  My first thought was to go east towards Norway, where Slayer and House of Acnar resided. Maelstrom, Rhavan and an army of Svartálfar warriors would be coming for me. Suddenly I stopped cold in my tracts as I realized that would be the first place they would come for me. There was no going home.  At a loss as to where to go I decided to head North towards Scotland.

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